Thursday, December 23, 2010

U.S. subprime mortgage crisis on China's influence.

<P>: Http://finance. News, August 9 to 10, the European Central Bank has injected to the euro area banking system, 94.8 billion euros and 610 million euros. .This is the European Central Bank since 2001, "9.11" and the first large-scale intervention in financial markets. .Bank of Japan announced to the Japanese 10 1 trillion yen into money markets. .Federal Reserve Bank of New York Federal Reserve under the increase of 9 billion U.S. dollars of 240 temporary reserves. .Central banks have made such a major move, designed to enhance investor confidence and stabilize financial markets, slowing the U.S. subprime mortgage market crisis could give the world financial market and the impact of the global economy. .But the move failed to stop the global stock index down. .</ P> <P> the so-called subprime mortgages, which refers to the credit lending institutions and low-income poor borrowers of loans. .A few years ago, the U.S. real estate market boom, the subprime mortgage market also will be developing rapidly, and even some under normal circumstances is considered to not have the ability to pay the borrower has received home loans, subprime mortgages for the future which .loan market crisis, the formation of potential problems. .And because lenders will usually packaged into subprime mortgage contracts financial investment products sold to investment funds, so some of these investment products to buy investment funds have been hit in Europe and America, which spread to global financial markets, causing turmoil in global stock markets. .According to conservative estimates, the U.S. sub-prime "black hole" caused by the loss of more than 50 billion U.S. dollars, perhaps even up to 900 billion U.S. dollars. .</ P> <P> analysts pointed out that in Europe, the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis on the economic impact of the developed countries has only just begun. .Dilemma the Fed faces a dilemma. .On the one hand, forced the pressure of inflation and depreciation of the dollar, the Fed had to temporarily put the subprime mortgage problems aside, to keep the benchmark interest rate unchanged. .On the other hand, when the subprime mortgage problem continues to spread the negative impact, particularly in the construction industry by the increasingly serious impact, the Fed will have to face increasing market pressure for lower interest rates. .In fact, the dollar is not the Fed interest-rate policy alone will be able to resist the U.S. dollar and other major currencies, the interest differential was only able to play a buffer role of the dollar rate, which reflects the inherent weakness in dollar. .Depreciation of the dollar to the world with a risk of inflation will further increase the price of resource products, power, which in turn will further increase inflationary pressures in the United States. .</ P> <P> weakening U.S. economy, has the impact of the European and Japanese markets on the Chinese economy what will be the impact? .As the world's largest economy of the United States, its economic impact is a global trend, coupled with a high degree of dependence on China and the U.S. economy in the long run, the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis, too, will have a negative impact on Chinese economy .. .</ P> <P> Nevertheless, as far as possible to avoid risks, but also should see great opportunities hidden behind the risk, as represented by China, emerging economies have begun to release the inherent power: First, in high-growth .of China, large-scale infrastructure projects has become an important investment direction; Secondly, in the context of industrial transfer, re-allocation of international capital, which continued to flow from developed countries, especially China, the more mature emerging economies .body. .In the United States subprime mortgage crisis, the fall in the dollar, the western financial capital to a safe haven from the best American and European government bonds as a hedge in the outflow to China to find its value-added opportunities. .In addition, the cost advantage of emerging economies will help ease the global inflationary pressures. .It seems that to solve the crisis of the "golden key" may be in China. .In contrast, the rise of trade protectionism in developed countries have started only exacerbate the current round of crisis, but can not really take advantage of global markets to resolve the crisis. .</ P>.

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