Thursday, December 30, 2010

Latest Forecast: power down the U.S. economy.

<P> According http://finance. Hearing in early January this year, the global market, the more optimistic forecasts made after mid-April, keep track of observing the performance of the global economy Coface economists revised some countries, particularly .judge on the U.S. economy. .Coface's latest report pointed out, power down the U.S. economy, the stock market is full of tensions and the performance of overheating in some emerging countries, represent significant risks to Coface's ratings of their several countries have made amendments. .United States, Estonia and Latvia are placed on negative watch, Thailand and the downgrading of Iran, in addition, the rating was raised in Georgia. .Coface decided to put the United States A1 rating on negative watch, due to several issues of concern: a sign of economic slowdown in the U.S. doubled in 2006, the country's GDP grew 3.3%, 2.7% in 2007; United States .difficulties in residential real estate market will spread and affect the overall economic household consumption; the most vulnerable more difficult to get the credit business, will lead to the increase in arrears and bankruptcy. .Coface Chief Economist warned Sylvia SGS Laisi Man: Now, even showing a moderate slowdown in U.S. corporate debt Coface also expected 5% increase. .Coface that the U.S. automotive, bulk retail, pharmaceutical and construction industry will continue the high level of risk. .Coface is the world's leading credit insurance and credit management services. .</ P>.

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