Monday, December 27, 2010

US-peek events become significant Rice kept saying sorry.

<P> Peek at the U.S. State Department contract officers the Democratic Party, Republican presidential candidate's passport file 21, the United States regarding the hottest political topic. .U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice were called to apologize to the three presidential candidates. .Meanwhile, asked the U.S. Congress involved in the investigation of the voice began to rise. .</ P> <P> Rice apologized three times </ P> <P> in the United States, "Washington Post" reported the first Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama passport file was peeping, the various media were quick to follow .Jin, huge embarrassment to the State Council. .Rice 21, after Obama called to apologize, Obama's Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, Republican presidential candidate John McCain passport files also have been exposed peep, Rice quickly to .They are playing to the telephone, one by one to apologize. .</ P> <P> It http://finance. Hearing, Rice, after Obama called the news media, said: "None of us want any American's passport files without authorization .Next by unauthorized access. "</ P> <P> She said she apologized to Obama over the phone. .She said: "I told him I'm sorry. I said to him, if my passport file was peeping, I would very upset. Therefore, I will personally intervene, a thorough investigation in the end." </ P> .<P> presidential candidates passport files being peeping is not the first place. .In 1992, Democratic challenger Bill Clinton passport files by State Department staff to illegal access. .Finally, the offenders being demoted. .</ P> <P> contractors trespassing Search </ P> <P> under the State Department announced the case, Obama's passport file in January of this year, 2 months and 3 months were three contractors unauthorized access. .Associated Press exposed that in January and March see the Obama passport files came from contractors based in Stanley, Virginia consulting firm. .</ P> <P> Stanley consulting firm in 1966, created by the U.S. Navy Admiral Emory Stanley, the main contract the U.S. government military and civilian agencies of consulting, system upgrades and logistics outsourcing contracts, are about 3500 .employees. .The company was awarded a State Department this week for a period of 5 years, worth 570 million U.S. dollars of the passport system support contract. .Company says that the two were very quickly dismissed peek, the company in terms of the "very fortuitous event," expressed regret. .</ P> <P> In addition, Virginia is also the headquarters of the company (TAC) 21 night said in a statement, the company that in February an employee without access to the Obama passport files of people. .This person also reviewed earlier this year without McCain's passport file. .Analysis of the company has not fired this person, but this person has limited access to confidential documents. .</ P> <P> Clinton's passport files by unauthorized access occurred last summer. .Training activities held at the State Council, an employee without access to Hillary Clinton's file, subject to disciplinary action. .Barack Obama and John McCain the man with the unauthorized access was unrelated to the file. .</ P> <P> congressional intervention call up </ P> <P> the State Council has instructed the Inspector General conduct an independent investigation to determine the purpose of peek passport file, whether there is political motivation behind it. .However, two of which have been dismissed, inspector general authority is limited to only focus of the company that were not dismissed the employees. .</ P> <P> State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said the inspector general began looking at people and other relevant conversation, the employee would be "the first on the list." .The State Council is currently considering possible disciplinary action imposed by this person. .</ P> <P> State Department internal investigation, but obviously can not quell the anger of relevant personnel. .McCain side that in addition to investigation, there should be a formal apology. .Obama meanwhile, has said that the incident should not light an internal investigation by the Government, but also by Congress to intervene. .</ P> <P> Obama 21 in Portland, Oregon, told reporters: "When you face not once, but a series of illegal access to personal files of the event, which is not only my .problem, but the mode of operation of the entire government into question. "</ P> <P> Obama said he hopes the parties concerned to a thorough and comprehensive investigation, and the relevant committees in Congress should not only .Government's internal investigation. .</ P> <P> experts commented that, as Stanley has fired two consultants peek file employees, it is just very difficult to achieve effective internal investigation. .</ P> <P> participation in the Clinton passport files of 1992 survey by the lawyer 约瑟夫迪杰 peek Nova said that the government's internal investigators are likely to find that the two conversations into a wall, because they can under the U.S. Constitution .the Fifth Amendment, refused to provide evidence of a crime may constitute their own information. .This can only be held in the grand jury hearing, forcing them to testify in court. .</ P> <P> News Links: Obama passport file was peeking News Links: peek event dramatic Aoxi Mai spared </ P> <P>.

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