Monday, December 27, 2010

United States reports that u.s.-China trade lead to 230 million United States unemployment

United States-economic policy Institute (EPI), July 30, according to a report from 2001 to 2007, the United States on China trade deficit has approximately 230 million United States people are unemployed. China believes that the United States consumer buying Chinese products and savings.

Manufacturing injuries most serious

(http://finance.) EPI report points out that, in China trade deficit and the loss of jobs, two-thirds belong to manufacturing industry, over half work opportunities are highly paid work. Affected by China trade deficit in the hardest-hit manufacturing industry including computer and electronic industry, apparel industry, metal processing industry, etc. At the same time, the administrative support services, technology services and other services industries also lost a lot of work opportunities.

The report noted that these unemployed in even if it was able to get a job, but because of the new job paid lower, each year they still earn less on average $ 8146. According to the report of the statistics, these workers a total loss of wages in 2007, more than 190 million.

The report's author Robert · Scott said: "in the past six years of computer and electronic products imported by rapid growth in 1780 billion increase in the trade deficit of nearly half. As a result, we are an industry loses 50 000 jobs. "The report and displays, and traditional concepts differ, loss of jobs is not at all technical content is low. 31% of loss posts belong to the owner of the staff college degree.

When China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, the United States trade deficit to 840 million. By 2007, this deficit widened to 2560 billion, annual growth rate of 31%. Part of the United States manufacturers and trade unions believe that China in order to give businesses export advantages and manipulation of exchange rates in China should further promote the appreciation of the Renminbi.

Nothing new

Washington advocated free trade of the Cato Institute and Director of the Center for trade policy Griswold said, this study does not have any new things. This is essentially based on a question of method, that is, import the product in China leads United States workers lose their jobs.   But it did not take into account the fact that the United States is a vibrant economy, in millions of jobs disappear, it also created millions of jobs. The trade policy experts that directly compete with Chinese products in the United States the number of workers is quite small. Imports from China accounted for only 2% of the United States economy. He noted that this report covers the period of time, the United States economy has created a $ 6 million, in the meantime, the United States workers ' wages and benefits are increased. United States manufacturing output increased by 10%.

Other analysts noted that the report of the timing coincided with the United States presidential election is about to enter the white-hot before you have to have doubts about this report behind the political intent.

Chinese products to United States persons living better

China said, United States should see the appreciation of the Renminbi against the US dollar rates — since July 2005, since the reform of the Renminbi exchange rate has appreciated by about 20%. China believes that the United States consumer buying Chinese product savings, than the United States on China trade deficit much, Chinese products meet United States consumers inexpensive commodity pursuit.

The Cato Institute of Griswold also believes that the trade deficit due to exchange rate and of fundamental labour standards. He said: "we join Japan, Canada and the EU has a large trade deficit. But you can't put these deficits due to manipulation of currency or does not meet the standards of labour law. We have a trade deficit with China is a very simple reason: China production many United States who wish to purchase products, especially the clothes, shoes and household appliances and other consumer goods and Office Accessories. These products enable us to live better every day. ”

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