Monday, December 27, 2010

U.S. presidential election fund-raising speech Hillary arrived in the pack one.

Hillary's $ 36,000,000 <P> over the last U.S. presidential election's first fund-raising fund-raising quarter of all candidates and </ P> <P> According to finance. News, latest statistics show that the two U.S. Democratic Party presidential candidate .people - New York Senator Hillary Clinton and former Senator John Edwards, both presidential candidates in U.S. history to break in the first fundraising quarter (first quarter the year before the election) of the fund-raising records. .</ P> <P> one capable of reaching the 2003 Clinton warlords </ P> <P> two of them, Hillary Clinton raised $ 26,000,000. .This figure greatly exceeds the expectations of Hillary. .Her original goal was raised in the first quarter of $ 15,000,000. .She will also re-elected senator, with his campaign of $ 10,000,000 left over allocated, so that their access in the first quarter fund-raising campaign funds reached $ 36,000,000. .This amount exceeds the last U.S. presidential election fund-raising when the first quarter (first quarter of 2003) all contributions of candidates and - $ 31,000,000. .Edwards raised more than 1400 million, which exceeded his announcement to run for president in 2003 when the $ 7,400,000 in the first quarter of sponsorship. .Prior to this, the first quarter of the U.S. presidential candidates Democrat Al Gore fund-raising records maintained by the, the vice president during the Clinton administration in the first quarter of 1999 raised $ 8,900,000, but in 2000 Bush lost the general election. .Texas Republican Phil Gramm ran for president in 1995, also raised $ 8,700,000, but out in the party primaries. .</ P> <P> donors were more than Hillary Clinton Barack Obama </ P> <P> Hillary Clinton's campaign declined to say how much of $ 36,000,000 to be specified by the donors for her participation in party primaries, there are .how much was earmarked for her participation in the national elections - the primaries in the party if she wins the case. .The Edwards campaign aide said that Edwards raised 14 million U.S. dollars, 100 million was earmarked for him (once won the party primaries) to participate in national elections. .Under U.S. law, if a candidate was defeated in the party primaries, general elections must be earmarked for contributions refunded to donors. .The rate of support in opinion polls between Clinton, Edwards, Illinois, between Senator Barack Obama has not yet announced their first quarter fund-raising results. .His campaign aides said, there are 8.3 million donation to the Obama (the number of contributions to the Hillary Clinton of 5 million people). .Outsiders believe that Obama will be among the best the Democratic Party's presidential candidate fund-raising list. .</ P> Related: * Hillary Clinton, once the re-capture the White House will be more beauty-conscious world, the Iron Lady Hillary Clinton refused to interview a super transformation event to apologize to the Chinese media <P>.

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