Thursday, December 30, 2010

AmCham White Paper does not deal with large customers put pressure on China.

AmCham White Paper published <P> - </ P> <P> It http://finance. Hearing, "the U.S. Congress passed legislation to avoid, tried to use the exchange rate adjustment, or other drastic measures to change the terms of trade with China. ."Recently, the Chinese American Chamber of Commerce released a new annual survey of business conditions," 2007 American Business in China "White Paper. .The report said that U.S. companies must recognize the fact that their global competitiveness increasingly depends on the performance in China, and in the exchange rate on such issues as the "big customer" pressure is clearly not wise. .</ P> <P> White Paper on China-US Chamber of Commerce, more than 2,000 U.S. businesses in China to make an investigation. .In an interview with the Chamber of Commerce member companies in the survey, 73% said it is a profitable business in China, higher than the previous annual survey, the proportion of 64%. .Most companies also said their China operations in 2006 operating margin growth achieved. .Meanwhile, at least 60% of the member companies every year since 2001, said profit margins had increased. .Most companies plan to continue to expand business in China. .</ P> <P> In fact, while living in the large trade deficit and the shadow of intellectual property disputes, China is still a lot of gold of U.S. businesses, "the Holy Land." .</ P> <P> According to U.S. Chamber of Commerce statistics, China's accession to WTO, will not only benefit U.S. exports to China have further strengthened the U.S. company's global competitiveness. ."2002 to 2006, U.S. exports to China's growth rate of 2.5 times the rest of the world in his export growth. Last year, U.S. exports to China increased by a third." </ P> <P> and increasing .the huge trade deficit with China is clearly not intended as a standard measure of trade relations between the two countries. ."Although we have a huge trade deficit with China, but the changes in global trade and investment also contributed to this phenomenon, so that the overall U.S. trade deficit mainly produced." Chamber of Commerce said that China is the second largest importer of goods, after Canada .. .Total imports in the United States, China's share from 3% in 1990, has risen to the current 14%. ."The U.S. trade deficit with a strong focus, ignoring the fact that from the other East Asian or Pacific Rim countries to reduce imports have offset the increase in imports from China." </ P> <P> with the Chinese on these issues .Government "confrontation" in comparison, chambers of commerce that the U.S. government's efforts may be more practical. ."We promote the commercial interests in China, investment funds, in general, show that our commercial interests in China and we as a nation to fight for greater market share are ready to make a major disconnect between the commitments. The United States .Government should also give U.S. businesses the necessary resources to share the results of these efforts, including the development of more friendly export control and visa policy. "Chamber of Commerce, said that these issues need to catch up the United States have been walking in front of the European Union and Japan. .</ P>.

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