Monday, December 27, 2010

Americans do not spend money Qicheng economic stimulus tax rebate hard work.

Reuters / University of Michigan survey released recently, in response to the expected economic slowdown, most U.S. consumers are likely to save up the Bush administration's tax rebates, or used to repay debt. .<P> Consumer spending is the main driving force of the U.S. economy, so expectations of economic stimulus bill the federal government can encourage consumers to spend the extra cash to save the sagging economy. .However, no intention to spend the tax rebate payments is very weak consumer confidence, which means that the tax rebate stimulus had little effect on the economy. .</ P> <P> (http://finance.) Survey found that 70% of the respondents plan to take "preventive" attitude, saying they or will refund the proceeds to strengthen its own balance sheet. .These, 25% of the intention to tax as a deposit, 45% planned to repay. .Only about 30% of consumers plan for consumption tax refund this year. .</ P> <P> survey also means that most of the tax rebate even if not as a consumer, the program can prevent further decline in consumer spending. .In addition, the survey pointed out that asked that the refund will improve or deteriorate the overall economic outlook, two-thirds of the respondents said there will be no significant impact. .</ P> <P> U.S. President George W. Bush signed earlier this year, worth 152 billion U.S. dollars economic stimulus package, tax rebates to 130 million people, each at a maximum tax rebate of about $ 600, while the couple was $ 1,200. .</ P>.

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