Thursday, December 30, 2010

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to raise money to sell prison.

Financial constraints the State of California, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has proposed selling the property to cash in a number of state government, including the famed's Shengkun Ting State Prison, prison occupies 432 acres (172.8 hectares), just to sell land, .will be able to sell 20 billion dollars. .The proposal has aroused enthusiastic response at the local community. .<P> Shengkun Ting prison was built in 1852, located in the San Francisco Bay Area Marin County, an isolated northern peninsula. .However, after 157 years, Marin County, California, has developed into one of the most exclusive residential areas, lush tree-lined, also overlooking the San Francisco Bay, only ten minutes away from the Golden Gate Bridge by car. .The beauty of the piece, but are located in an asylum, and alert security prison on death row, not only fell into disrepair, the internal and overcrowding, seems incompatible with the surrounding environment. .</ P> <P align=left> not keep up with expansion of the cell death rate of increase </ P> <P> Taiwan, "China Times" reported that, over the years, California has been a local advocate for sale Shengkun Ting prison site, alternative site .the voice of the construction of new prisons on death row. .But in the end nothing came of it. .One reason is that California prison guards union opposed. .Prison guards do not want to move and followed the move because the results had continued to maintain Sheng Kunting state prison operations, and even money to keep filling inside. .</ P> <P> California recently, he spent billions of dollars for the procurement of new medical equipment Shengkun Ting prison, began to expand death row, and built a new agent injection chamber executions, federal judges have been critical to replace the .The old narrow gas chamber. .However, due to budget shortfalls, the rate of expansion of death row slow, the rate of increase did not keep up with the number of death row. .Sheng Kunting prison capacity nearly 5,300 inmates, of which more than 600 people on death row. .</ P> <P> "Los Angeles Times" commented that although the sale of the prison and build new prisons to be time-consuming death row for many years to save California for the urgent needs of the government budget deficit is not immediately help, but Schwarzenegger intends to sell Shengkun Ting prison .The proposal is correct. .</ P> <P align=left> sale of land alone will be able to sell $ 2,000,000,000 </ P> <P> Deng Han Mu said, according to California Senator, Sheng Kunting prison occupies 432 acres (172.8 hectares), light .the sale of land, can sell 20 billion dollars. .He proposed to move into other prisons on death row will Shengkun Ting captivity, and the analysis of the California Assembly Office also said it intends to repair than the state government and the expansion of death row Shengkun Ting 356 million required to lower the cost. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> However, Deng Han Mu-related proposal is still stuck in the California Senate Public Safety Committee since the Committee is concerned that if Shengkun Ting moved to other prisons on death row, only to other prisons over .congestion problem worse. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> Keywords: U.S. economy in California economy </ P>.

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