Monday, December 27, 2010

The aging of the U.S. pension sell birth "Reverse Mortgage".

<P> 67-year-old Andrew, a retired elderly people in the United States, he and his wife have a pension and savings, life is not lack of security. .But he put his house mortgaged to the bank, borrow from the bank every month hundreds of dollars on a regular basis, to travel, shop and enjoy life. .In fact, "to the Housing Endowment," the elderly are not uncommon in the United States, this way to be called "reverse mortgages" in the United States, its full name is "housing cash conversion plan." .</ P> <P> birth of American society, "Reverse Mortgage" </ P> <P> loans to banks and home buyers to developers to pay for a different, "Reverse Mortgage" is to own a house property mortgaged to the bank .After paying the monthly mortgage from the bank who, due to the sale of other assets, income or housing loan. .Because of this approach with the traditional mortgage Instead, it is called "reverse mortgage." .Many young Americans, "with the money to buy a house," old age "to the Housing exchange for money," retirement is still in relative comfort. .</ P> <P> "Reverse Mortgage" in foreign countries are still only twenty years of the rise of the time, most developed to the number of the United States. .In the U.S., many elderly people do not have children, although some have children, children are unable or unwilling to assume maintenance obligations, and most Americans are not keen on savings, retirement is so easy to fall into constraints. .With an aging society, a phenomenon more and more mid-80s of last century, Lowry Hill, New Jersey, a bank saw the opportunity, first to launch this service soon to the nation. .</ P> <P> alleviate the biggest problem of aging society </ P> <P> "reverse mortgage" in the form of essentially indefinite period can be divided into two categories: time-limited housing is secured, borrowers and lenders .agreed repayment date, after the expiration of the elderly can sell housing, other assets can also be used loan; indefinitely while the loan has been maintained to the elderly in the death or removal from the housing so far, banks can lend by auction to recover the cost of .old heir apparent to share with the residual profits after the auction. .</ P> <P> "reverse mortgage" is targeted at people over the age of 62, and also consider the following factors. .First, the borrower's age. .The remaining life of the older means less cash each month to get the more. .In the U.S., if a 75-year-old has a value of $ 250,000 for housing, he can get $ 917 a month; 70 years of age can only get 791 yuan a month; and 80 years of age will receive a monthly 1099 .dollars. .Second, the spouse alive. .The elderly couple living than single elderly can lower the amount of loans, because the two people's overall life expectancy of more than one person. .Third, the present value of the housing and the expected value. .If the expected real estate appreciation in value when the owner dies, can the amount of loans will increase. .</ P> <P> "Reverse Mortgage" The reason why the rise in the United States, because it addresses an aging population, the biggest problem, both to help solve the pension problem of the elderly, the burden-sharing government, while banks can provide .types of income approach, which the United States to address the issue of aging and social security issues played a positive role. .</ P> <P> actual operation, there are certain risks </ P> <P> but "Reverse Mortgage" is also a certain risk, is a complex project. .On the one hand, the bank signed an agreement with the old forecast as much as possible the life of the elderly to determine the monthly payment amount. .However, due to the uncertainty of life of elderly people, there is damage to the bank or the old person may be. .On the other hand there are changes in housing values, interest rate instability and the risk of improper maintenance of housing. .Although "reverse mortgage" to real estate as collateral, loan recovery has some assurance, but must be intervention in the insurance industry, risk-sharing loan recovery, which can be steady development of real estate financing. .Therefore, the "reverse mortgage" in addition to financial support the government, but also requires banks, insurance and other related departments of the joint operation. .</ P> <P> now, "reverse mortgage" concept more and more into the lives of Chinese people, but also caused no small controversy in society. .On the one hand, the Chinese people is also difficult to accept from the "raise children to old age" to "keep house for old age," the great divide; the other hand, Chinese people are used to house the largest single property left as children and the elderly are not as foreign as the pursuit of old age .enjoy. .But experts say that without children, or children of the richer and opened, and empty nest children, elderly people in foreign countries, this approach is more appropriate pension. ."Reverse Mortgage" Although it is still too early in the domestic implementation, but as it gradually into an aging society, the form of loans there is still much room for development. .</ P>.

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