Thursday, December 30, 2010

Obama Announces $ 50 billion plan to promote u.s. economic recovery

Åœ — äº¬æ — ¶é — ' September 7 morning news, United States President Barak-Obama (Barack Obama) on Monday announced a $ 50 billion plan that content is on the United States Highway, airport and railway upgrade, this is the Obama administration to promote United States economic recovery and the launch of the latest plans.

The public works programme of content including the United States road, bus and rail systems and air traffic control for comprehensive reform, etc, it is an initiative to create more jobs and help to promote economic recovery process in the broader scheme of part of the content. The Obama administration will be released on Wednesday to Cleveland's economic speech announced a plan. According to media reports said that the plan will be based on the Recovery Act has implemented projects and investment activities.

Media reports said the plan calls for the Government in the next six years to investment activities, the portion of the funds will be used to finance a company infrastructure Bank (4.73, 0.00, 0.00%), the Bank will be on the United States economy is essential to invest in the project, while also providing jobs.

According to Obama today announced the plan, the Government will have a total length of 15 million miles (approximately 24 million meters) of road reconstruction, construction or maintenance of 4000 miles (approximately 64 km) of railway, as well as the construction or repair of 150 miles (approximately 240 km) around the airport runway, also launched a new air navigation system, aims to reduce travel time and airport delays.

Obama's speech today stated that the plan is designed to transport system of the United States for modernization and upgrade, the project will not lead to the Federal Government's budget deficit has increased significantly. He said: "it's all expenditures will be fully reimbursed, and so will not be in the long term, lead to increased government deficit — we will work with Congress to note. ”

Obama said: "all these initiatives is not only to the currently created more jobs, while at the same time will make the United States economy in the long term for better performance. History tells us that the plan can and should attract the support of the two parties together. ”

Recently published economic data indicate that the United States economic recovery process is slowed down. According to the Labor Department announced on Friday's non-agricultural employment report shows that the month of August, the United States private sector of non-agricultural employment increase 6.7 million people, and the previous month increased 10.7 million, but beyond economists had expected; total employment declined 5.4 million. The report also showed that the unemployment rate in the United States in August from the July 9.5% rose to 9.6%, four months for the first time since the reasons for the increase is 55 million United States persons into the labour force.

It is not clear that the public works programme will create many jobs. According to media reports that White House officials refused to on an estimate of the total cost, only represents a preliminary announcement of $ 50 billion in total costs accounted for a large scale. In addition, it is not clear whether the Republicans will support this project.

United States Labor Secretary Hilda-Solis (Hilda Solis) in an interview earlier today that the Obama administration's it infrastructure plan "will be give the unemployed back to work right away," and to get the support of the two parties.

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