Monday, December 27, 2010

Obama's betrayal can re-elected President in the future?

United States midterm elections held on November 2, in this election, 435 seats in the House of representatives of all the re-election, the Senate has 100 seats in 37 seats for re-election while United States 50 States in the positions of the 37 State Governors to re-election. The reason that this is not a presidential election year, and the relationship between the incumbent President Barack Obama appears to be little, but since the results of the mid-term election was seen as a policy for the current President of the referendum, elections results if not conducive to the Democratic Party, Barack Obama will have to bear the political responsibility.

But from the pre-election polls, Republican in this election is very likely to win back the House of representatives of leading right to become the majority party. This changed the Obama administration two years Democrats control Congress and the White House, while Obama if you want to promote any legislation that would not be like the first two years of free, must be achieved in cooperation with the Republican party. But Obama push through Congress this year's Medicare reform case and other legislation, in the Congress is almost entirely dependent on the status of the majority party of the Democratic Party and forced to cross the border, Republicans are almost unanimously opposed.

That is, two years ago, Obama took his "change" in the ring to get elected President of the United States, many voters especially young voters to GOP discontent with eight years of ruling is converted to the hope for Obama. But Barack Obama in the White House for two years, the United States suffered a serious economic recession, the real crisis and a substantial rise in unemployment. Maybe it was bad luck, perhaps still a little wet, the Obama administration is only two years, the Government of the United States voter frustration at this year's mid-term elections to a pandemic, to the Democratic Party and Obama's little lessons, this is to let Republicans was over the moon.

The associated press published poll shows that in 2008, vote for Obama voters have a quarter down to the Republican party. Only half of the people made it clear that they will continue to support the Democratic Party. But from the Democratic Party, Republicans and independents experts pollees also believes that Obama's lead in the Democratic Party will be defeated in the midterm elections, while losing the majority party in the House of representatives. While the Democratic Party is able to retain Senate majority, it is not yet known. But predictable is Obama in term of two years, will be a series of reforms.

That is one of the "girls" ignorance will Obama sent to the White House, and this year the hope of "ignorance" are young girls betrayed Obama because it goes without saying that the people had not good, they'll use it to power the ballot the colors look.

United States voters generally can be divided into three categories, the Democratic Party, the Republicans and unaffiliated (also called middle voters), young voters, older voters, women voters, minority yixuanmin also have their own groups, and "innocent girl" voters are elector's principal, constitute their vote would have a significant impact on the election results. The so-called "free" refers to a non-partisan Middle voters; " Knowledge "refers to the white collar as the main body of the middle class;" Less "has two meanings, one refers to ethnic minorities, the second is a young man;" Female "refers to females. In 2008, 30 years of age, the number of voters to the polling station break records, about 2/3 of young people to vote for the Democratic candidate Barack Obama, but the wind direction changed this year, young people's enthusiasm for Obama substantially lowering. Poll shows that 2/3 support Obama elected President of the young people, but only 40% of the four recognized his work, when 52% support Obama's middle voters now only 32% are willing to continue to support the Democratic Party. Currently supports the Democratic Party's female-49%, while in 2006 Democrats regaining the House of representatives for 55% of female voters support.

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