Monday, December 27, 2010

U.S. Treasury of billions of dollars on Wall Street conspiracy to hand the subprime mortgage crisis Yingkang.

<P>: Http://finance. News, Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase and other major banks worldwide are preparing to jointly set up a total of about 1,000 billion fund to support the acquisition of assets currently little interest in such securities .assets to avoid further financial turmoil in the United States bring disaster to the current global economy. .</ P> <P> a U.S. official and a banker known details of the talks, said the U.S. Treasury Department has organized these big banks, which lasted two weeks of negotiations, the negotiations focused on the structured investment vehicles (structured investment vehicle, .hereinafter referred to as "SIV") problem. .Bank for consideration of supervision to avoid, often in their own "in vitro" the establishment of SIV sector, investment in high-risk sub-prime mortgage securities assets. .</ P> <P> usually SIV commercial paper by issuing short-term, to maintain long-term asset-backed securities held by the funds operation. .The U.S. sub-prime crisis broke out, the investors away from these commercial paper, resulting in SIV can not continue financing, had to sell their long-term securities. .</ P> <P> According to Moody's Investors Service (Moodys Investors Service) this month, statistics, at present, the global SIV in July there are 395 billion U.S. dollars of assets, by selling now, and shrink, leaving only 320 billion U.S. dollars. .</ P> <P> as of October 10, the U.S. flow of asset-backed commercial paper size classes from the end of June - the high point of 1.14 trillion U.S. dollars has shrunk to 899 billion U.S. dollars. .</ P> <P> the U.S. government worried that, even if some of the underlying asset-backed securities credit quality, market investors out of concern, still want to buy them. .Thus, by the big banks set up fund to buy these asset-backed securities, will avoid fire sale in the hands of the global SIV such securities, disrupt credit markets. .</ P> <P> U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson in Washington on the 10th of the Financial Services Forum (Financial Services Forum) biennial conference, met with Citigroup CEO Charles Prince, JP Morgan Chase Master Xijie Mi .* Dimon and other Wall Street giants, talking about these issues. .Financial Services Forum's members include America's most important financial institutions. .</ P> <P> U.S. Drexel University scholar, the U.S. General Accounting Office said the former financial economist 约瑟夫曼森, the U.S. Treasury Department played in this program the role of a facilitator, "We have a .familiar with the Wall Street Treasury Secretary, Wall Street is also trust him. "</ P> <P> but some financial analysts worry that, although the plan to increase market liquidity, but this one associated with the large banks will fund the final .the huge amount of asset-backed securities repackaged and then invest in financial markets, which make the market even more confusion. .</ P>.

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