Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sino-US strategic economic dialogue operation to Carlisle resigns suddenly

United States Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson's Chief · Chinese Affairs Adviser wave if · Carlisle (DeborahLehr) recently announced his resignation this distance she took office and is responsible for the operation of the "Sino-US strategic economic dialogue" mechanism is only one month.

According to the Wall Street Journal reported that the United States Department of the Treasury Department said wave if · Carlisle is resigned for personal reasons, not because she and the Government in the United States should be how to deal with China on the question of differences emerged. U.s. stakeholders in morning news reporter said Lyle's resignation will not be forthcoming strategic economic dialogue has a great effect.

It was close to Carlisle's insider, Carlisle has two young children, taking into account the position of the Ministry of Finance of long working hours and regular travel required, Lyle handed in his resignation. Lyle's husband is currently serving as Director of Goldman Sachs Group Office · John Rogers.

But the departure of Carlisle United States new after all let Paulson's team has vacancies. Former Goldman Sachs Group CEO long Paulson in July as United States Secretary of the Treasury, he will be responsible for the Bush Administration's economic policies.

In mid-September, the first official visit to China, Paulson announced that China will launch a "strategic economic dialogue" with a view to improving in recent years because of exchange rate and piracy problems cause cracks in the bilateral economic relations. He also specify Lyle as his Special Envoy to help organize and arrange the twice-yearly to this dialogue. Paulson in Goldman Sachs served, Lyle is one of his advisers.

The Wall Street Journal reported that when he told a meeting with senior Chinese officials, he let him sit near Carlisle to highlight her in the United States Department of the Treasury and the new open bilateral economic dialogue. Paulson was called, in cooperation with China is the key to be able to contact all the levels of all relevant personnel.

In Carlisle submitted a resignation letter last week, the United States Department of the Treasury to the Chinese authorities informed her will to leave messages.

The current Chairman of the United States MBP consulting company, stone bridge international Chinese Vice President of wave if · Carlisle United States had been working for the National Security Council and the United States Department of Commerce. Lyell was the Clinton Administration's trade negotiators, and China's accession to the u.s.-China trade negotiations as the Deputy Representative of the US negotiations. She also studied in Beijing dedicated to Chinese.

According to United States Treasury Department spokesman revealed that Paulson before the end of this year will visit to China to attend the first round of the Sino-US strategic economic dialogue. United States Treasury Department officials also said that since the departure of Carlisle, organizational strategy dialogue burden will fall on responsible for International Affairs Minister Timothy · Adams (TimothyAdams) and the Ministry of finance, Deputy Chief of staff changtai Asia · Smith (TaiyaSmith). Before he took office in Paulson, Adams has been responsible for the Ministry of Finance's policy towards China. But Smith served as Adviser to the United States Department of State.

Related reading: Paulsen's thematic

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