Thursday, December 30, 2010

American parties "torture" bailout policies.

<P> Wall Street "financial tsunami" the U.S. financial system, reshuffle, also forced the rapid introduction of new U.S. government rescue plan. .20, the U.S. government submitted to Congress for an amount of 7,000 billion financial rescue plan to give the government broad powers to purchase bad assets of financial institutions and prevent the financial crisis deepened. .This is the 30 years since the last century since the Great Depression, the U.S. government enacted the largest financial rescue plan. .</ P> <P> enormous impact as the financial crisis, not only that government officials and financiers headache, many are not concerned about the financial daily's difficult to stay out of the ordinary people. .Compared with the complicated financial issues, the U.S. government bailout money to vote the number to vote, how to save, who pay for other basic issues, attract more attention to ordinary people. .</ P> <P> topic text: Wang Xiyi </ P> <P> question one: What are people worried about? .</ P> <P> discuss the U.S. Congress submitted by the Government 21 7,000 billion bailout plan. .Democratic and Republican lawmakers have said that this huge sum of money should strengthen supervision, and develop practical policies to protect the interests of ordinary people. .</ P> <P> "We can not simply put $ 700,000,000,000 blank check to Wall Street, and then hope to get a good result." U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said so. .</ P> <P> "Parliament will take action this week, to address the financial market crisis, protect the interests of the taxpayers." Pelosi said. .She believes that the Government's $ 700,000,000,000 policy "does not include the necessary security measures." .</ P> <P> According to reports, the government submitted to parliament will be to the Treasury bailout plan privilege, it can in the next two years to buy from any non-performing assets of financial institutions, regardless of whether the headquarters of these organizations in the United States .. .</ P> <P> the same time, the Ministry of Finance will be almost free from congressional interference in the case of buy, sell, hold residential and commercial mortgage loans and loans to support these claims. .</ P> <P> "This is the largest amount I've ever seen, a fund to be bound at least." Treasury and Federal Reserve Board in the work of Brookings Institution economist Douglas El doors and more .Husband said: "Minister of Finance can do what, what to buy to buy." </ P> <P> question two: </ P> <P> Why 700 billion? .</ P> <P> the financial rescue plan involves a total of 700 billion U.S. dollars, the figure is how come from? .Can be further improved? .</ P> <P> According to reports, unless the U.S. Congress then passed legislation, the U.S. government's financial rescue plan this amount can not be over 700 billion U.S. dollars. .As for the 700 billion U.S. dollars this figure, it was halfway between the financial crisis on the cost of saving the optimistic estimate - 5000 million and pessimistic - 10000 billion. .However, this does not include 700 billion U.S. dollars after the government has come up with the $ 139,000,000,000 bailout money, including the Federal Reserve agreed to American International Group (AIG) to provide 850 billion emergency loan funded 29 billion U.S. dollars financing the acquisition of Bear Stearns, JP Morgan Chase ., and to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae at least inject 25 billion U.S. dollars (U.S. Congressional Budget Office estimated data). .</ P> <P> U.S. Senator Richard Shelby that the total cost of the government rescue may exceed 1 trillion. .</ P> <P>.

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