Thursday, December 23, 2010

Drawdown of U.S. newspaper giant cuts across the board 5 sub-reports.

<P Align=left> </ P> <P> U.S. newspaper business could not be more autumn fall. .Old "New York Times" laid off 500 people, two major newspapers in Philadelphia laid off hundreds of people, and just last week there, "Baltimore Sun" and "San Jose Mercury News," the two follow-up. .</ P> <P> Wednesday, belong to the U.S. newspaper giant Tribune (Tribune) newspaper group's five newspapers, announced a layoff plan. .Tribune's two biggest newspaper group's flagship newspaper, "Los Angeles Times" and "Chicago Tribune" action the most. .In addition, its three other newspapers --- "Orlando Sentinel", "Daily News", "The Morning Call" has also joined the mighty ranks of job cuts. .</ P> <P> as the fourth largest U.S. daily "Los Angeles Times" editorial board will lay off 85 people, the total number of layoffs of about 8%. .As the eighth largest U.S. newspaper the "Chicago Tribune," the spokesman said that layoffs may be less than 100 people, but would not provide an accurate figure. .Including dismissal, layoff plans, buyouts and attrition, the layoffs will be completed by the end of this year. .</ P> <P> "Los Angeles Times" editor 迪安巴奎特 in a memorandum sent to newspaper editors, said layoffs did encounter some difficulties in this progress and friction, but it was also accepted .voluntary buyout. .The newspaper publisher Jeff Johnson in a separate memo, said the newspaper plans job cuts in other departments will be announced in three weeks. ."Chicago Tribune," the spokesman said that the newspaper will provide a severance pay plan, but will not provide a voluntary buyout program. .</ P> <P> Just last week, U.S. release from the Audit Bureau issued its latest research report. .Latest data show that U.S. newspaper circulation continued to decline for many years is intensifying. .As of September 30 at 6 months, newspapers in the United States 789 days a year the average circulation fell 2.6%, including "Los Angeles Times" fell 3.8% to 843,000 copies, "Chicago Tribune" .fell 2.5% to 58.6 million. .</ P> <P> U.S. newspaper circulation as a professional inspection organizations, issued from the Audit Bureau issued two such reports each year. .As of March 31 for 6 months among the nation's top 20 largest circulation newspaper circulation dropped an average of 1.9%. .Circulation a year ago compared to the "Los Angeles Times" and "Chicago Tribune" The circulation has fallen by 6%. .</ P> <P> American Forum Newspaper Group has a total of about 3,000 staff. .Earlier this week, the group announced that, as of October 23 this year, only 4.62 billion consolidated revenue, compared with 4.7 billion last year fell by 1.6%. .As under the four newspaper circulation overstated, and the "Daily News" more for 3 years misrepresented its circulation, the group became the American press last year circulation scandal false protagonist. .</ P> <P> U.S. industry that the 2003 implementation of the "reject telemarketing" bill is to promote the main reason for the rapid decline in circulation, the U.S. newspapers, 60% of new subscribers through telemarketing pull come. .In addition, the American newspaper readers also have a direct impact on the aging problem of the business press. .A survey found that most of the modern young people get through the network news, do not like reading a newspaper. .Existing newspaper readership in the United States in large part over the age of 45, and the most loyal readership actually more than 65-year-old. .So a vicious cycle, the general advertisers are targeting 18 to 34 year olds, but they do not like reading the newspaper, which is deprived of the advertisers from the newspaper ad. .</ P> <P> most sad thing is crushing the U.S. newspaper industry the last straw, may be the newspaper itself. .Including "The New York Times," "Newsweek" scandal, including frequent false brand exposure, the reader will inevitably have a "crisis of confidence." .According to a survey, the American people trust the media, has dropped 54% in 1989 to 36% in 2004. .Only 48% of the respondents believe that the media reports is true, 66% think the media unfairly, 75% think the media is biased. .</ P>.

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