Thursday, December 30, 2010

Congress has been maintained for 27 years to lift offshore drilling ban.

<P> 27 U.S. Senate approved a government spending bill that does not include the ban on offshore drilling to extend the terms. .This means that the U.S. Congress lifted the 27 years has been to maintain ban on offshore oil drilling. .</ P> <P> termination of a 27-year ban on offshore drilling may not be able to reduce U.S. dependence on oil imports 60% of U.S. gasoline will not necessarily be cheaper, but still attracted many Americans cheered. .</ P> <P> 27 years, the U.S. House of Representatives, the Government adopted in September each year the annual appropriations bills, are deprived of the Ministry of Interior (Interior Department) lease parts of the activities related to offshore oil exploration rights. .No-take areas include northern California, central and southern North Atlantic, Washington state and Oregon State, and Eastern Gulf of Mexico south of 26 degrees north latitude, 86 degrees east longitude range. .</ P> <P> September 24 this year the U.S. House of Representatives passed the appropriations bill, the ban no longer exists. .As long as a few days later the Senate also passed the bill, above the region of the state government to decide whether the future would be free to lease drilling rights to enterprises. .Generally estimated that the bill through the Senate. .</ P> <P> Americans are concerned about the possibility of offshore drilling for oil, gasoline prices is largely because the United States one-third more expensive than a year ago. .</ P> <P> for solidarity with people's lives, lifting problems will be the topic of mining campaign tried both, the Republican Party strongly advocated the abolition of ban on offshore oil development. .Search related videos in Youtube, you can see many of these scenarios: Republican presidential candidate John McCain and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, leading the enthusiastic supporters who chanted the slogan the phrase has become a catchphrase: " .spud! baby, spud! (Drill, baby, drill !)"</ P> <P> the Democratic Party has always been against offshore oil, one of the reasons is the exploitation would endanger the marine environment. .</ P> <P> 1990 Alaska waters in the United States of a serious marine oil tanker spill on this habitat for marine life caused great harm. .Since then, the U.S. President has annually issued a specific ban on offshore oil drilling within the region. .The huge increases in oil prices under pressure, U.S. President George W. Bush on July 14 this year, ended the ban for offshore drilling to remove the first obstacle. .</ P> <P> President Bush after the abolition of the ban is responsible for leasing offshore drilling rights to the U.S. Department of Interior Minerals Management Plan (Department of Interiors Minerals Management Service), could not wait to start the development from 2010 to 2014 lease .program. .According to its estimates, in addition to Alaska and Hawaii, 48 states of the United States Outer Continental Shelf reserves are 180 billion barrels of crude oil and 2.2 trillion cubic meters of natural gas. .Consumption calculated according to the existing scale, respectively, to meet the United States 2.5 years and 10 years of demand. .</ P> <P> But the Democratic Party that the elimination of the ban to ease oil prices is very limited. .U.S. Department of Energy had predicted, in the Pacific, Atlantic and eastern Gulf of Mexico region extraction, "in 2030, neither will the domestic oil and natural gas production or prices have a significant impact," because within 5 km coastline of the continental shelf's oil production, .2030 has only increased by 7%, and oil reserves in these areas is more dispersed, the number is not much, a considerable part do not have commercial development value. .</ P> <P> now to lift the ban does not mean that oil production will begin in those areas quickly. .Because the procedure must include the negotiation of mining rights lease agreement - which often a year or two, then the assessment of environmental effects of oil exploration and infrastructure construction - where a new well to put up, at least be seven .eight years. .</ P> <P> as Republicans and Democrats should understand this. .Therefore, and Obama, McCain's energy policy also includes encouraging alternatives such as wind and solar energy development, great efforts to build nuclear power plant. .</ P> <P> shows in the political need to have gimmick appeal. .Politicians need to show their position, while the catchy "Drill, baby, drill!" May well be a rally for the thermal field in the perfect accompaniment. .</ P> <P> the face of urgent public expectations on oil prices lower, and even Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on offshore drilling began to turn the attitude. .(Http://finance.) 8 1 May, he was jointly submitted by 10 senators on the abolition of a ban on offshore drilling welcomed the proposals. .</ P> <P> politicians understand the art of compromise. .President Bush has declared that if the appropriations bills do not cancel the mining ban, veto veto the appropriations bill - which means that the funding next year the federal government had not landed. .</ P> <P> Thus, while the Democratic Party more seats in the House, they have no intention stubborn here. .Moreover, as long as Obama can win the general election in November next year he can be issued by the government ban on offshore drilling. .■ </ P>.

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