Monday, December 27, 2010

United States real estate market crisis worsened, mortgage foreclosure rates soar

According to a research agency survey, United States February housing loan foreclosure rate nearly 60% year-on-soar, Nevada and other States mortgage foreclosure rate record high. Analysts that the housing loan foreclosure rate new high was due mainly to the decline in housing prices, which show the United States market situation is worsened.

United States all the way around the House prices fell to its lowest level since 2004, but the market is still deteriorating. In January of this year compared to the number of housing recovery rose 90% to 4.5 million cover, loss of housing mortgage redemption quantity also rose by 57% over last December, up 8%, that is since August last year, the highest level. In addition, the United States 1 month construction expenses decreased to a maximum of 14 years, at the same time, the consumer confidence index February 1 month 78.4 down to show consumers that 70.8 property market demand has become increasingly apathetic. Although the Fed rate cut several times before, regulatory authorities increased mortgage agencies Fannie Mae and mortgage investment limit of beauty, but the market still in decline in the channel, it is difficult to pick up in the near future.

To save the worsening plight of the property market, the United States Government also plans to be funded 100 billion u.s. dollars to buy already unable to redeem the mortgage housing. In fact, however, because the United States at the end of last year, the average price of housing is 20 million each, according to this calculation, approximately 100 billion dollars can buy 4.8 million cover housing, and the entire United States to recover the amount of housing close to 230 million sets, so this is a drop in the bucket, will not resolve the problem.

According to the http://finance face not optimistic about the prospects of the market, a large mortgage lenders Freddie Mac12, said the United States will continue to further price declines. According to the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) house price index shows that prices have fallen since the high point 2.5%, but according to the Case-Shiller national home price index shows that the high point drop 10.2%, but these data and Freddie Mac bodies forecast a decline of 15% is still a long way, and decreased prices will still be displayed.

Housing price declines for the month of February, the United States housing loan foreclosure rate year-on-year increase of nearly 60%. United States real estate data company RealtyTrac, United States domestic 2 month total 223651 foreclosure applications than last February 139922 foreclosure for increased 59.8%. It is understood that the United States every 557-1 family has to apply for a foreclosure home, and had nearly half of the family is the first application of a foreclosure.

In the United States the major State, Nevada achieved the highest housing mortgage foreclosure rates, total 6167 copy of foreclosure, and each 165 families have at least a foreclosure. RealtyTrac said Nevada 2 months the number of applications over the same period last year increased 68%, higher than the 1% last month. Similarly in mortgage trouble there are California, Florida, Texas, Michigan and Ohio, as the real estate slump, these areas of housing price declines. California's housing mortgage foreclosure rate ranked second, 242 family at least one foreclosure applications; however, the State of California have the maximum number of foreclosure, total 53629, than the same period of last year 131%, higher than 6% last month. While in Florida, February every 32447 family at least one copy of the application to foreclose on the same period last year increased 69%, higher than 7% last month.

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