Monday, December 27, 2010

U.S. government deregulation, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac to relax the capital requirements.

<P> According http://finance. News, 19, the U.S. government announced that the two mortgage agencies would be Fannie Mae (Fannie Ma) and Freddie Mac (Freddie Mac) is required as the excess capital held by the 30% limit ., reduced to 20%, and allowed to be injected immediately to the mortgage market up to 2000 billion dollars. .U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said this would help to support the U.S. mortgage market. .</ P> <P> the U.S. government has taken in recent weeks, the third step, to a certain extent, can help stabilize the mortgage market, is expected to occur if the larger dimension of the market, the U.S. government on the housing sector will continue to relax .Mae and Freddie Mac permission. .However, the regulators will not really open to solve the problem of capital, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will only buy high-quality mortgage-backed securities, so the pricing of low-quality securities can not be resolved. .</ P> <P> Central News Agency reported that the U.S. Bureau of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) said it had cut its Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, capital requirements, adjusted from the original 30% to 20%. .The two companies are allowed to invest additional funds to the mortgage contract, or mortgage-backed securities. .OFHEO agency action on Wednesday, together with other actions, when to make this year the two companies to buy or guarantee about 2 trillion of mortgage contracts. .</ P> <P> 30% of the excess capital requirement was originally set up in order of risk management. .Regulation-related business at the Federal Housing Enterprise Inspector pointed out that with this action, the two companies also said they would begin to raise a lot of money, to ensure market confidence. .</ P> <P> Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac set up for the Congress authorized the licensing of enterprises, aims to help more Americans get mortgages. .They paid with the acquisition of a large number of U.S. mortgages, and the associated trading of securities. .Relaxation of the provisions of the release of funds, can enhance support to the mortgage market. .</ P> <P> against U.S. President George W. Bush has previously called for the two Democratic lawmakers to address the subprime sector to play a greater role. .For these two institutions have been rumors of accounting problems, the Bush administration has advocated legislation to set up institutions to strengthen their supervision, to avoid the occurrence of investors believe that financial problems the two agencies, the Government will pay the bill. .</ P> <P> Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson issued a statement that the two companies as an important participant in the mortgage market; release of the additional capital would allow them to help more homeowners and strengthen the basis of the mortgage market .. .He also said this once again confirms the parties on chartered enterprise reform legislation as soon as possible to complete the determination, he looked forward to working with Congress and relevant agencies to proceed with this important legislation. .</ P>.

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