Thursday, December 30, 2010

In the United States and the high cost of overseas companies listed on The Great Escape.

<P>: Http://finance. Hearing, German chemical giant BASF, local time on July 30 announced that due to cost issues, the group plans to delist from the New York Stock Exchange. .Just last month, has two German companies for similar reasons to withdraw from the New York Stock Exchange, they are Germany, Altana Chemical Co., Ltd. and SGL Carbon Group. .Pursued once the listing of overseas companies hot spot, and now has provoked the exodus of overseas companies. .Not long ago, the first Chinese company listed on the United States --- Brilliance China Automotive also said about delisting from the New York Stock Exchange. .One of the reasons the U.S. is considered to meet the reporting and registration system for increasing administrative costs. .Analysts pointed out that the high compliance costs prompted many listed companies in the United States take the initiative to quit. .As bear the Sarbanes - Oxley Act corporate governance brought about by the substantial additional costs of accounting and management, more and more foreign companies in the United States chose to take the initiative to withdraw from the U.S. market. .The German BASF Group plans to put forward this year by the end of August to the NYSE delisting application and formally withdrew on September 6. .</ P> <P> BASF CEO Jürgen Hambrecht said the delisting from the New York Stock Exchange, the main purpose is to save costs. .If the withdrawal of its stock from the New York Stock Exchange, BASF will be able to save each year the cost of five million euros. .The group is third in the world, Germany's second place to large multinational chemical industry as the main chemical company, operates in 170 countries and regions the world. .Group spokesman said: "BASF shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange's trading volume is very small, since U.S. investors can be located in the direct trading of Deutsche Börse Frankfurt, BASF shares." </ P>.

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