Thursday, December 30, 2010

G10 American and European stock markets slumped on senior officials to open emergency countermeasure business.

<P>: Http://finance. Hearing, in the first week of 2008, U.S. and European stock markets suffered a rare in the history of continuous dive market. .The face of market volatility, the Fed and the European Central Bank, led by the Group of Ten (G10) central bank governor yesterday gathered in Basel, Switzerland, on a stage in the assessment of "rescue" results at the same time, further easing the tension of the effective .measures. .</ P> <P> U.S. stocks Jingxian centuries worst start </ P> <P> than in the past, stocks start this year can be described as abnormal, "miserable." .S & P 500 Index is down 4.5% last week, at 1411.63 points, a significant decrease in the 5 months since the first time. .The Dow is down 4.2%, at 12,800.18 points. .In this year's first three sessions, the Dow 3.5% decline for the same period in 1904, the biggest decline since. .The tech-dominated Nasdaq steeper decline last week, fell 6.4% in total, at 2504.65 points, its lowest level since last April. .</ P> <P> European markets also suffered last week, "Waterloo." .Three major European stock markets fall in two trading days last week, more than 1%. .One day only on Friday, the London FTSE 100 index fell 130.9 points to close at 6348.50 points, down 2.02%. .CAC40 index in Paris fell 99.29 points to close at 5446.79 points, down 1.79%. .Frankfurt DAX index also fell 99.72 points to close at 7808.69 points, down 1.26%. .</ P> <P> analysts noted that U.S. and European stock markets last week, the main incentive for continuous drop is twofold: first, finally broke through the triple-digit oil prices, the second is on the U.S. economy into recession worries increase, which is a direct derivative .Fire claims is the last week the introduction of two key U.S. data. .</ P> <P> against oil prices and data sentiment </ P> <P> by the weak dollar, geopolitical instability and rising demand northern hemisphere winter fuel and other factors to stimulate the New York Mercantile Exchange, February crude oil contract on the 2nd disc .hit $ 100 in the 3-day trading, the contract setting a record intraday high, reaching $ 100.09. .Although the price of oil has long been close to 100 dollars, but the important psychological barrier was broken, or to the stock market sentiment is a big blow. .High oil prices usually increase the cost of business and economic, is not conducive to the stock market rise. .</ P> <P> compared to oil prices, the stock market or the United States against more gloomy economic outlook, with the introduction of two important data, the market even more certainly, the world's largest economy from recession is not far off. .2 Institute for Supply Management announced in December last year, the country's manufacturing sentiment index fell to 50.8 in January from the previous 47.7%, to the lowest since April 2003 level. .And, this is the sixth consecutive month the index fell for the last recession in the U.S. economy in 2001 up to a continuous decline since. .The first time in two days, the Labor Department also announced, in December last year, the country's non-agricultural sector unemployment rate rose to 5%, 4.7% higher than the previous month, since November 2005 is the highest level. .The same period, the United States added only 18,000 jobs, since August 2003 is the worst performance. .Heads of global central banks meet again </ P> <P> last November's G10 meeting in Cape Town, South Africa, directly contributing to the five lines of the joint rescue operations. .Thus, with the increased volatility in the stock market opened this week in Basel, the G10 central bank governors held was sent to more expectations. .Although this is a routine bi-monthly meeting, but in the specific context of the current investors in the decision-makers are hoping some good news was announced. .</ P> <P> December 12 last year, led by the Fed and European Central Bank of the West Bank have been five major emergency, announced to the market together inject up to 640 billion dollars to alleviate the tight global credit conditions. .This is also known as the "9.11" and the largest joint operation of international central bank. .</ P> <P> analysts noted that the joint funding from the central bank since last year, the credit market has shown signs of recovery, such as corporate short-term borrowing costs have been reduced to 22-month low. .European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet said on the 5th, tight money market conditions have eased, but still can not be ignored. .Bank of Canada had also said the credit market pressures eased. .However, from the current volatility in financial markets point of view, it is too early to lift the warning. .</ P> <P> G10 held in Beijing last night, the central bank meeting press conference, ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet said the central banks for their joint efforts to stabilize the currency market, both "very satisfied", but .This does not mean "we have completely reversed the overall situation." .He said the problem in credit markets will continue to exist for some time. .</ P> <P> When asked whether there are further major central banks when the joint intervention plan, Trichet said: "In the future, we will continue to maintain close contact as in the past." He also pointed out that the financial markets .instability for the real economy remains to be seen, but the G10 central bank did not significantly adjust their outlook for the global economy. .</ P>.

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