Monday, December 27, 2010

Emergency election canvassing Clinton play the China card.

<P> U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in his diplomatic platform 25, the outgoing anti-card votes. .She criticized China for export to the United States products in question, but also through manipulation of exchange rates, access to the wealth of Americans. .Clinton said she has personal experience dealing with China, if elected president, she will focus on China's human rights issues, and change the U.S. trade deficit widening, the Chinese buy U.S. bonds, toxic food toys into the U.S. market and so on. .She knew that the implementation of foreign policy, while seeking common ground, we must stay on your toes. .</ P> <P> Clinton since Feb. 5 Super Tuesday, the election emergency, in competition with Obama losing ground, the published diplomatic platform, the outside world think it is a Hillary Clinton political family .the trick to survive, to fight the sluggish economy of Ohio and the Texas weakness in the restore. .</ P> <P> It http://finance. Hearing, some observers said that Hillary used to say such harsh words never easy, because the larger her chances of winning the general election, regardless of the commitments, after taking office .will be faced with liquidation, so she has always been very cautious attitude of it; In contrast, Obama's foreign policy used to seem frivolous to many, including the commitment after taking office to meet with leaders of hostile countries and so on. .Analysis refers to Hillary Clinton's remarks showed that she has come to a critical moment of life and death, have to say, then try to curry favor with local voters re. .Once Hillary victory in Texas, Ohio, received a temporary respite, you may circle back to re-word phrase. .</ P> <P> published its foreign policy, Clinton said that China's trade and monetary policy is to "punish" American workers, she was referring to China is the world's super power the ball, there is need to press the international market rules. .She also accused China of dumping toxic to the U.S. food and toys, to extract the wealth of Americans. .</ P> <P> Clinton said her visit to Beijing in 1995, calls for improved women's rights and human rights, because the United States must let the world know that human rights are an integral part of American foreign policy. .Clinton pointed out that the reality is that, as long as oppression, where women's rights, their power is often associated with U.S. interests and values conflict. .</ P> <P> Clinton said the Bush administration more than seven years, the face of a rising China could do nothing. .One third of the trade deficit the United States from China; large amounts of U.S. bonds China holds the hands of Bush's policy of making China into the United States; China's steel exports to the United States, U.S. jobs to China; on the market .is a Chinese seafood and toxic toys. .</ P> <P> the former first lady said she co-led Congress has proposed legislation that would require the Administration to take proactive measures to prevent currency manipulation. .She also asked the Government to reverse the proposal for the widening U.S. trade deficit and improve the import inspection standards, and in response to China to buy U.S. dollars and bond issues. .</ P> <P> She stressed that if she is elected president, these conditions will change, because she knows how to deal with China. .</ P> <P> </ P> <P> rivals Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in the past has said that would unconditionally with Iran, Cuba and other hostile countries, the dialogue is wrong, he changed his criticism of the current position. .</ P> <P> after Hillary lost several times in the campaign, have stepped up criticism of rival Barack Obama, even before that he is a disgrace. .But Hillary only a week and the few options to save the dream of her aspirations to the White House, and the key is the Battle of Ohio and Texas elections. .University of Virginia political scientist Larry Sabato warned that only 20% chance of Hillary Clinton. .</ P> <P> almost all campaign indicators - fundraising, polls, primary results and popularity - seem to have gradually away from Hillary, and move closer to the irresistible force of Obama. .Hillary the media is paying close attention to face a lot of difficulties, but the biggest problem is: even if the nominated representatives to reduce Obama's lead in the vote, even in the March 4 Ohio and Texas in the win over .Obama, even in the April primary in Pennsylvania victory, are still not enough. .</ P> <P> political scientist Larry Sabato University of Virginia, warned that Clinton is only two percent of opportunities. .He said she needs to win Texas, Ohio and Pennsylvania, and then won the Florida and Michigan delegates, after the polling dates for the two states because of the dispute did not participate in the caucus vote. .</ P> <P> Obama canvassing in Ohio also, referred to his claims of foreign trade policy. .He was referring to support free and fair trading system, while also ensuring the safety of imported products. .</ P> <P> the Republican side, McCain also said his diplomatic point of view. .He was referring to maintain sanctions against Cuba, prompting them to release political prisoners and improve human rights, and hold fair elections. .He also believes that to continue the current military policy on Iraq. .</ P>.

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