Monday, December 27, 2010

U.S. consumer confidence to a five-year low Bush acknowledged very difficult.

<P> More and more signs of recession in the U.S. economy is among the 29 released a report showed consumer confidence fell in April for the fourth consecutive monthly decline, to the lowest point in five years. .President Bush acknowledged what he called the U.S. economy faced a difficult moment. .</ P> <P> fear of unemployment, as well as fuel and food prices continue to rise, U.S. consumer confidence has gradually disappeared. .Decline in value of the property, so that consumers tighten their purse to see more. .These will exacerbate weakness in the U.S. economy. .</ P> <P> (http://finance.) Council announced the U.S. economy, fell sharply again by the present situation index, dragged down further in April consumer confidence index fell to 62.3, down from March's upwardly revised 65.9 by .. .The current consumer confidence index fell in March 2003 has been the lowest since. .</ P> <P> 4 月份 measure of consumer assessment of the status of the current economic conditions index dropped sharply to 80.7, far lower than the March revised upward by 90.6. March data was 89.2 before the amendment. .U.S. consumer confidence began to decline from January, when the consumer confidence index was 87.3, down from last year, a recent high of 90.6 in December. .</ P> <P> Economic Council research director Lynn Franco said consumers: "The index remained weak, showing not only the weakness spread to the first quarter growth in the second quarter, but that the economy may have slowed further." < ./ P> <P> Fed also consider whether or not declared in the April 30 cut interest rates again, the original Federal Reserve has been shown to suppress the primary consideration is the threat of inflation. .Finally, if the Fed chose to control inflation, not reduce interest rates, the American consumer's wallet may be closed even tighter. .</ P> <P> a press conference at the White House, U.S. President George W. Bush does not deny the current situation difficult, but he put the blame on the Democratic-controlled Congress. .Bush accused Congress to delay his economic recovery efforts. .</ P> <P> start on Monday the U.S. government tax rebate $ 150,000,000,000, which is Bush's attempt to restore consumer confidence in some of the measures. .He also shows the support may be suspended during the peak summer tourism levy fuel tax. .As in solving the problems of high oil prices, Bush is going to encourage increased domestic oil production in the United States. .</ P>.

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