Thursday, December 30, 2010

The next black president or woman president?.

<P> Quadrennial U.S. presidential election is entering the stage of the primaries, Republican George W. Bush after eight years in power, who will enter the White House, from primaries to see some clues. .All the way to Hillary Clinton led the way, but in the Iowa primaries, Obama is black to catch up with the Democratic Party candidate John Edwards been the last throw in the third place. .Republican John McCain is leading. .</ P> <P>: http://finance. Hillary in the second round of primaries in New Hampshire pulled one back a tear leading Ao Boba Council is expected to get the Democratic Party candidate in the Republican Party in the official election confront .McCain. .</ P> <P> the Democratic Party from Hillary Clinton, her husband, served two terms as president, Edwards, the party lost the election in the Republican George W. Bush, George W. Bush two terms in office, and performance was flat, and in Iraq .War has attracted people complained, loss of soldiers pack will be economically debilitating, the people wanted change, expected to be good at financial management of the Democratic Party can win this general election, then Hillary and Obama may well become president, the White House. .</ P> <P> the founding of the United States two hundred years, all the way by men and white men in power. .Shouted the slogan of equality between the sexes has been a hundred years, female president, after Indira Gandhi from India, Pakistan, Benazir Chicago and by the President in power in France and other countries. .U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is the second person, Ms., and is black. .The United States is a highly democratic country, gender equality for granted, since Lincoln freed the slaves of ethnic equality since the outstanding performance of blacks in sports, the United States in the Olympic gold medal in the power board in the political and economic fields have outstanding performance, .not fall after the white. .</ P> <P> from Africa, Kenya, Barack Obama, popular and full of Africans served as United Nations Secretary-General of vocational education, the president of the nickname the world, Albright served as U.S. president if, and rare. .</ P> <P> Hillary Clinton, wife of former U.S. President, if the fore, the White House, not only break the U.S. record by a woman as president, also served as both husband and wife set a precedent for U.S. president. .</ P> <P> Obama or a Hillary who is trying to seek the Lord, also see today. .</ P>.

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