Monday, December 27, 2010

Financial Commentary: U.S. trade policy should change course.

<P> Lenovo takeover of IBM recently gave birth variables, CFIUS began early this year, Lenovo, IBM PC business acquisition for a national security investigation, 24th of this month, IBM has on U.S. foreign investment committee made three .concessions, including the prohibition of entry into IBM Lenovo in North Carolina Research Triangle area of the building; the park staff moved out of thousands of IBM; not provide IBM to the Lenovo Group of the U.S. government list of merchants. .But the United States not make satisfaction, said the U.S. side will also propose more stringent conditions. .From this incident, there is reason to suspect that some people still hold the U.S. Cold War mentality of the year hold, reflected in trade policy, ignoring the reality of China's rise. .</ P> <P> However, not all Americans are so confused. .Just the other day, former U.S. Trade Representative 巴舍尔夫斯基 in the United States, said a seminar on the economic level, the rise of China is the world's most profound economic changes over the past century, U.S. trade policy must be based on the change .adjustment, or they will fall behind the times..巴舍尔夫斯基 So, naturally observer, there is sufficient basis in fact. .China is now Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore's largest export market. .The import India, Russia, the Philippines and Indonesia products, after the United States. .In addition, China is South America ores, the Middle East oil, a major buyer of natural resources in Africa to promote a global steel, cement, energy prices continue to rise. .China is now the world's third largest trading power, is the engine of economic development in Asia. .</ P> <P> the world are scrambling to do business with China, the United States is no exception. .US-China trade volume increased dramatically last year, a growth rate of 34.3%, the U.S. has become China's largest trading partner. .However, if the U.S. trade policies do not change course, clinging to the Cold War mentality of letting go, when Sino-US trade from the ups and downs, the first of the United States does not benefit the majority of damage is the U.S. business interests. .</ P>.

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