Monday, December 27, 2010

1.8 million elderly people throughout the United States greatly increased 120% to find a job.

<P> According to the American Association of Older Persons to the latest figures, the financial crisis and economic recession in the background, to make a living, many American retirees have to go out looking for work, last year the nation's 180 million elderly job seekers, an increase of 120 over the previous year .%. .</ P> <P> Xinhua news agency reported, statistics show that elderly people in the job, 75 years of age and older increased by 80% last year. .Currently, the United States about 29,000,055 years of age and older working or looking for work, accounting for 18% of the entire labor force. .</ P> <P> Jenny Johnson, this year has been 81 years old, also suffers from diabetes, due to make ends meet, she was in March this year, Danforth, Illinois, a library to find a job. .</ P> <P> Association official 桑德拉内森 older Americans, said the impact of the economic crisis is particularly serious for the elderly. .Financial crisis, pensions shrinking, while expenditure on food and medicine has increased. .The U.S. unemployment rate has reached 9.4%, the highest for 25 years, more adverse employment of older persons. .</ P> <P> the U.S. government will allocate 571 million this year, encourage training and employment elderly, can benefit 100,000 low-income seniors. .</ P> <P> Keywords: U.S. economy </ P>.

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