Thursday, December 23, 2010

The stock market continued to fall any problems the U.S. economy.

<P>: Http://finance. Hearing, following the fall by more than 300 points on Thursday, the U.S. Dow Jones index of 27 stocks dropped by another 200 points, resulting in 4 years last week as the Dow fell more than the most devastating .week. .Weakness in U.S. stocks also dragged down other global markets. .</ P> <P> sound of a global stock market falls </ P> <P> the U.S. new home sales data sparked concerns about the outlook for the housing market, the Dow fell 311.50 points, 26 Zhong Pan. .27, the Dow has not stopped down the pace of the previous trading day closing down another 208.10 points to close at 13,265.47 points, down 1.54%. .By the sharp decline for two consecutive trading days, dragged down the Dow is down 4.23% last week, to March 2003 the biggest weekly decline since. .</ P> <P> in other indexes, the Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 23.71 points to close at 1458.95 points, down 1.60%. .The technology-dominated Nasdaq composite index fell 37.10 points to close at 2562.24 points, down 1.43%. .Situation from the week, the S & P and Nasdaq index is up 4.9% weekly decline, respectively, and 4.66%. .</ P> <P> the U.S. stock market crash has dragged down the rest of the world stock markets on Friday, the three major European stock markets continued to fall, the FTSE index in London last night to close at 6215.2 points, down 0.58%; the number of CAC in Paris, France .down 0.55%, to 5643.96 points; Frankfurt DAX index was at 7451.68 points, down 0.76. 27, the Tokyo stock market close, the Nikkei fell sharply over the previous trading day 418.28 points, falling 2.36%, to close at 17,283.81 points, .May 1st this year's lowest close since. .</ P> <P> several negative factors that troubled </ P> <P> market analysis that led to the following aspects of the U.S. stock market continued to fall last week. .The first is the market worries about the subprime mortgage market has been lingering. .On the other hand, the U.S. Department of Commerce's strong economic growth data sparked worries about the Fed raising interest rates. .In addition, New York on Friday, the day of crude oil futures prices Zhong Pan 77 U.S. dollars a barrel, almost equal to its highest closing on record. .</ P> <P> DA Davidson Fred Dickson, chief market strategist, said on Friday the United States was trying to rebound in the stock market, but long enough to continue to support the market forces. .Dickson said the market suffered last Thursday, "earthquake" shock Friday after continuing to experience "aftershocks." .He pointed out that the stock market worldwide is still shrouded in the shadow of risk aversion. .Dickson said the subprime market is changing the trading of new stock market investors expected, as more and more difficult financing, the market adjusted expectations about the transaction, rather than on economic growth expectations. .</ P> <P> Action Economics analysts in a research report said that the more troubled hedge fund rumors played a role in fueling the obvious, it may enlarge the day the U.S. stock market volatility. .The report also said the recent market fluctuated wildly, major changes in asset allocation, the problem does not occur if the hedge funds but will not normal. .</ P> <P> Cowen & Co. Mike Malone, trading analyst, said that negative factors still play a role, the credit crisis will hit the market between enterprises mergers and acquisitions, and mergers and acquisitions has been an important reason for the stock market recent gains .. .</ P> <P> TD Bank economist Pascal Gauthier said that sometimes the stock market moving with the market sentiment, although the day the stock market fell, but the basis of their potential, basically unchanged. .</ P> <P> U.S. officials remain optimistic on the economy </ P> <P> Although the stock market crash, but U.S. officials remain optimistic on the economy. .U.S. President George W. Bush on Friday said a strong U.S. and global economy, data released before the second quarter of the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) growth of the chain is 3.4% annual pace in the Bush White House after meeting with his economic advisory group, said: " .the global economy is strong, I think one of the major U.S. economic growth remains strong. "</ P> <P> U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said last Friday, the U.S. economy strong in the second quarter, exports are particularly active, which is .rather than by weak economic growth outside of the U.S. dollar driven. ."I now believe that global economic stability, is the most prosperous 32-year period. Europe's economic growth rate has been doubled, the Asian economies are developing, and now Japan is also ahead, so I think it is affected by the economic strength outside the U.S. .increasing push. "</ P> <P> the stock market crash last week, four seasons, says Paulson, the U.S. stock market crash, but reflects the normal market fluctuations, but such fluctuations are manageable .. .He said that the market will always be fluctuations in the stock market plunge shows investors are re-investment risk assessment. .But he stressed that the stock market turmoil and will not be out of control, because the U.S. economy remained healthy. .Paulson stressed that the U.S. economy more robust growth of positive transformation, and said recent market volatility for investors should be a warning. .</ P>.

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