Monday, December 27, 2010

United States subprime mortgage against huge losses again within the foreseeable future.

<P> The largest U.S. financial group Citigroup has announced first quarter 2008 loss of $ 5,110,000,000, and the sub-prime related write-down of up to 160 billion U.S. dollars. .This is the United States 196, the second highest in the history of quarterly losses, reflecting the global credit crisis continues to affect the banking sector. .</ P> <P> (http://finance.) Citigroup's pulling reserve fund (reserve fund, bank loans Stubbs possible to stay, provision for bad debts), which has $ 6,000,000,000 with the subprime mortgage-related, .Preparation and pulling the rest of the customer failed to return on time and not personal loans and mortgages paid on credit card payments and overdrafts. .Analysts said the face of massive writedowns that Citigroup may have to continue to sell assets. .Citigroup also said in the quarterly, in the second quarter will continue to divest "non-critical" assets, and strengthen the strategic business and investment in the region. .</ P> <P> Citi's losses over the past two seasons have been nearly 150 billion U.S. dollars, since 2007 has suffered in more than 46 billion U.S. dollars in writedowns and credit costs increase. .</ P> <P> Citigroup Chief Executive Vikram Pandit said: "Our financial report reflects unprecedented market conditions and credit environment." Citigroup announced a loss after the recent announcement of another huge financial losses .giant - UBS (UBS). .However, analysts pointed out that investors in Citigroup's loss has been psychologically prepared, Citigroup's shares on Wall Street in New York on Friday (April 18) premarket not fall by 6%. .</ P> <P> Earlier, Citigroup has investors from the Middle East, and South Korea to acquire including 300 billion in financing to supplement the capital. .In addition, as part of our business restructuring, Citigroup's consumer group has also announced the reorganization of the consumer banking, global credit card business two global business units. .</ P> <P> Citigroup has operations in Asia and the United States to restructure and sell some of the fixed assets. .Currently, Citigroup Asia and Europe and is directly responsible for management of district departments of retail and corporate banking business; credit card and investment banking business, will continue to be managed directly by the New York headquarters. .A quarter of Asian markets excluding Japan, the retail business growth in loans and deposits of 22% and 14%, 24% revenue growth, market and investment banking revenues grew three percent. .</ P> <P> U.S. subprime mortgage crisis has led to collapse of Bear Stearns, the market estimate that there are financial institutions, announced one after another huge loss. .In the recent credit crisis, global financial institutions providing housing loans written off a total of 200 billion U.S. dollars. .Earlier this week, Citigroup rival Merrill Lynch announced first quarter 2008 loss of 1.96 billion and announced 4,000 job cuts worldwide. .Citigroup has announced layoffs in January 4200, the industry estimated that Citigroup will cut more human. .Citigroup's revenue fell 48% to 132 billion U.S. dollars. .</ P> <P> Merrill Lynch, Citigroup and other reports first quarter results have been released, triggering the "most serious impact of the credit crisis is over" disputes. .Thain said Merrill Lynch's head: "I hope that the difficulties over those who say people are right, and I somewhat doubt." He added: "All along, people see the economic slowdown is based on income data, .but we have not seen the subprime crisis and the impact on the real economy, such as housing prices fall, oil prices soared, food prices and increased unemployment and so on. the credit crunch will be transferred to the income level of the real economy .levels. "</ P> <P>" Merrill Lynch and other investment banks by total assets of state reminds us that the credit crisis is not dispersed, "the U.S. financial consultancy Celent LP. Leader Octavio Marenzi believes that" they will .face more losses, revenue also will remain under pressure. "</ P>.

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