Monday, December 27, 2010

X, a United States bank failures difficult end of the subprime mortgage crisis.

U.S. regulators on Sept. 5 announced the closure of Nevada State Bank of Silver State Bank, which is closed this year, the 11th U.S. bank, economic hardship and housing prices fall so that financial institutions suffered heavy losses. .<P> (Http://finance.) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) said, Silver State Bank as of June 30 holds 20 billion in assets, deposits of 1.7 billion. .FDIC deposit insurance fund will therefore loss of 450 million -5.5 million. .</ P> <P> in Las Vegas, Nevada, Silver State Bank agreed to take over the insured deposits, which does not include about 7 billion dollars in broker deposits (brokered deposits), this deposit volatility and costly .high. .FDIC said customers at the weekend by check, ATM or debit card to retrieve deposits. .</ P> <P> regulatory documents show the Republican presidential candidate John McCain's son Andrew joined the Silver State in February this year, the Board, participate in the work of the Audit Committee. .The bank said in July he was for "personal reasons" to resign. .In the current period of credit and the property market problematic, Andrew and this association failed bank can not help but think of his father, the latter accused of involvement decades ago in a large deposit and loan scandal. .</ P> <P> nearly U.S. banks is currently the fastest pace in 14 years closed by the authorities. .U.S. regulators have publicly ordered dozens of bank reinforcement of capital, or limit the business. .California IndyMac Bank Corporation (IndyMac Bancorp Inc.) July 11 this year by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation shut down. .IndyMac bank assets up to 320 billion U.S. dollars, as U.S. regulators seized by the third-largest bank. .A direct result of the bank's collapse levels of the U.S. deposit insurance fund fell 14%. .As of the end of the second quarter of this year, the U.S. deposit insurance fund totaled about 45.2 billion. .</ P> <P> the United States this year has eleven bank failures. .Ten other banks were insolvent, Jan. 25 bankruptcy Douglas National Bank of Missouri, March 7 bankruptcy in Missouri Hume Bank, May 9 bankruptcy Arkansas bank ANB Financial National Association, May 30 .at the first Minnesota bankruptcy credit banks, 11 July bankrupt IndyMac Bank of California, and 25 declared bankruptcy in the two small banks - First National Bank of Nevada and First Heritage Bank of California, and August 1 .Japanese bankruptcy Florida First Priority Bank, Aug. 22 bankruptcy Tuobei Ka Kansas City, Columbia Bank Trust Company, and the August 29 bankruptcy in Georgia Integrity Bank. .</ P>.

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