Monday, December 27, 2010

Bush signed the total amount of 300 billion U.S. dollars of housing aid bill.

U.S. President George W. Bush signed a total of 30 billion U.S. dollars 3,000 housing assistance bill. .The bill is designed to help the two major U.S. mortgage finance institutions Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bail out, rescue the U.S. housing market. .<P> White House spokesman Tony Fratto said in a statement, Bush hopes this will promote market stability and enhance public confidence. .<P> The bill last week in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate passed. .Under the Act, the U.S. Treasury will be able to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to provide sufficient credit, and if necessary, funded the purchase of its shares, while the Government will establish a new regulatory body to strengthen the financing of these two bodies. .<P> Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac hold or guarantee mortgages totaling approximately 5.3 trillion U.S. dollars, accounting for U.S. home mortgages for nearly half of the total. ."Two rooms" in trouble not long ago, causing turbulence in U.S. financial markets, forcing the U.S. launch rescue "legislative fast track." .<P> The bill also includes 40 million to the United States unable to pay mortgages to help home buyers with the relevant provisions in order to avoid the loss of their property due to breach of contract. .In addition, to save the housing market continues to decline, the authorities will also be available to home buyers purchase a total of 15 billion U.S. dollars in tax rebates. .<P> U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said the "two room" of the relief provisions of the U.S. market and economic stability to ensure that "essential", the U.S. housing market is also expected to result "turned the corner." .But critics argued that the U.S. government is in the taxpayer's money for the "two rooms" and other financial institutions pay for the losses. .</ P>.

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