Monday, December 27, 2010

Loss of 1.5 billion U.S. postal service over a thousand people losing their rice bowls.

United States on the occasion of the economic slowdown, businesses are trying to get out of the personnel expenditure wastefulness, even the postal employees have faced their jobs to Yan yan is not guaranteed.

(http://finance.) To alleviate this year nearly 15 billion loss dilemma, United States Post Office (u.s.postal Service) to raise staff early retirement schemes, including thousands of clerks, mail processing staff and supervision of staff, but this litui plan does not provide any incentives or subsidies.

United States Post Office to cut spending driven by the retirement schemes, mostly for over 50 years of service up to 20 years, and excluding aged at least 25 employees.

The General Post Office Deputy Minister of human resources in the Shui on's Wednesday that classification, there are 13 million employees qualifications meet the litui programme, but he refused to predict how many people will accept. This means Ryan said, the manpower policy is mainly directed against the overall development of the future, they will lend again technology and automation to improve service effectiveness. He said: "based on economic considerations, we will continue to adjust the size. ”

This post has been approved by the Federal Office of personnel management-approved retirement plan does not exclude the spread and headquarters staff. The General Post Office last October 1 January of the current fiscal year, the number of employees is 684762, compared with the previous fiscal year's 696138 rarer.

In addition to streamlining of personnel, with the decline in mail volume year on year, the United States Post Office is also interested in the whole and or close the message processing agencies, has recently also had proposed by private enterprises to take over the operation of the entire us numerous mail processing center.

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