Monday, December 27, 2010

Wall Street - "anything they want," Three Hundred Years.

<P>: Http://finance. News, United States, an ancient and hostile joke, said: "Wall Street is such a street, it is a river at one end, other end is a tomb." Indeed, in many Americans .the eyes of Wall Street is a playground of money, a rich man's paradise, one could shake the U.S. economy, neighborhoods and even the world! .After 300 years of changing, today's Wall Street, New York has become synonymous with the U.S. financial sector as well. .However, with the Dow, S & P 500 index soared high, more and more Americans began to worry that someday wake up as the world's "financial capital" of New York may be retired. .</ P> <P> Prime threats I: </ P> <P> 10 years will lose dominance? .</ P> <P> 10 years later, the New York financial supremacy will lose? .This sounds like a flourishing threats I, but the Americans still take a succession of "self", the latest move in an open one month ago - New York announced the establishment of financial supervision and working groups. .New York Governor Eliot Spitzer has announced to convene a working group committed to the U.S. financial services regulatory modernization. .</ P> <P> the group's focus is the insurance companies, state-chartered banks and brokerage firms to rationalize state regulation, while other states may become a role model and even the federal government. .Its members include the major Wall Street CEOs, top lawyers, consumer groups and the four state agencies responsible for industry regulation. .</ P> <P> forward and back a few months, a report released earlier this year, it is the reason Americans are worried about. .This year in January, when he was New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said citing a report by McKinsey, "New York is losing its competitiveness and is likely to lose in 10 years as a global 'financial capital .'status. "</ P> <P> American worries are not unfounded. .The report notes that New York and even the United States remains the world's most important financial market, but its leadership is faltering. .According to U.S. statistics Thomson Financial, the first 10 months of 2006, the New York Stock Exchange IPO raised a total of 18.7 billion, the London Stock Exchange was 320 million U.S. dollars to 17.2 billion Hong Kong Stock Exchange. .U.S. listed companies to New York as well as the interest is reduced. .</ P> <P> financial derivatives, the United States in addition to commodity futures, options side an advantage, but in the interest rate, foreign exchange markets have been lagging behind other European rivals. .In addition, the legal environment and supervision mechanism, even better in London than in New York and London stock market is only a regulatory agency, but the United States has more than ten federal, state and other regulatory agencies. .</ P> <P> report analyzes the competitiveness of the financial services industry in New York causes of the decline can be attributed to the U.S. financial regulatory laws are too harsh immigration restrictions for other options lead to financial professionals, the cumbersome legal procedures and outdated accounting system .resulted in unnecessary trouble. .New York, in order to maintain the status of international financial capital, the report recommends the establishment in New York City, a special "international financial services zone", the use of tax breaks and other incentives to attract foreign companies stationed in New York. .</ P> <P> New York City to release such a grand life, "alert", a reflection of the world economy and financial market structure is changing, and the United States would still like to retain the "American Century." .But some analysts say no other international financial centers this too seriously, because New York's leading position in the financial market is still in-depth and comprehensive. .</ P> <P>.

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