Monday, December 27, 2010

Middle East, Europe and the United States planned to construct and manufacturers very happy.

Well-known consulting firm McKinsey estimates that the Gulf countries, who spent 230 billion U.S. dollars a year is planned to construct. .In this wave of construction boom, led by the Middle East as Europe, the U.S. industrial giant's new park. .<P> (Http://finance.) General Electric Company (GE), although the overall growth slowed down, but the enterprise groups in the Middle East has accelerated revenue growth. .General Electric into the Middle East last year, 5.4 billion of revenue, beyond the group made in China, $ 4,000,000,000 and made in India of 24 billion U.S. dollars. .</ P> <P> However, General Electric, but the oil is abundant element in the Middle East construction surge set off for the Western industrial manufacturers to create a huge new market, one of the many beneficiaries. .French turbine maker Alstom (Alstom), said the company ended 31 December last year, the nine-month period, the orders from the Middle East and Africa amount to 40 billion euros (60 billion U.S. dollars), compared with the previous year .increase by more than four times. .</ P> <P> the world's largest heavy machinery maker Caterpillar (Caterpillar) and Industries Honeywell (Honeywell), were also beautiful in their recently released earnings report, showing strong sales in the Middle East. .</ P> <P> McKinsey estimates, including Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Persian Gulf countries including the United Arab Emirates is spending a $ 230,000,000,000 a year to build a new hospital, airports, railways and .power plants. .The amount of these Persian Gulf countries to spend 83 billion U.S. dollars five years ago, almost three-fold. .McKinsey, a partner in Dubai Di Boer said the Gulf state's investment over the past few decades the rate of population growth can not keep up, are working hard to catch up. .</ P> <P> Although the United States imports from the Middle East still higher than the amount of its exports to the Middle East high, according to Bank of America (BOA) of the data, since 2004, as oil prices rose to $ 100 a barrel jump, the United States .also accelerated the growth of export value of the Middle East. .The amount of European exports to the Middle East and more than the amount of its imports from the Middle East. .</ P> <P> of General Electric, the Middle East is the group's biggest jumbo jet engine source of revenue, but also its steam turbine and water treatment technology the fastest growing market. .General Electric is spending 50 million U.S. dollars to build a research center in Qatar; Saudi Arabia, the group is also building a medical products factory, is expected to begin operations next year, when two hundred employees. .</ P>.

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