Monday, December 27, 2010

U.S. Republican Party candidates Hillary Clinton do not deserve the White House approved the common.

<P> Florida 29 Republican primary looming, Republican presidential candidate, several man-made a final push for a party the evening of 24 campaign debate, once again discuss their views and opinions. .But they set their own campaign debate for a long time expense, but the discussion from the Democratic presidential candidate Hillary come. .They think that Hillary Clinton soft on Iraq and certainly the performance of tax increases and eventually reached a consensus that Hillary Clinton do not deserve the White House. .</ P> <P>: http://finance. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney said, "She (Hillary) and the American people, the pace was too inconsistent," and McCain and Giuliani also join on .The former first lady Hillary Clinton being criticized. .When asked how to deal with both Clinton (Hillary and her husband Bill Clinton) brought a team competition, the Romney response has been very rapid, "Frankly, I am looking forward to, because I can not imagine .Bill Clinton returned to the White House, doing nothing. "</ P> <P> McCain and Giuliani have also criticized Clinton's attitude towards the war in Iraq, Giuliani talked about the former first lady, said," she .Over the past used to agree with the war, but now she is against. "</ P> <P> because the threat of a U.S. recession on the economic issues and voters showed the greatest interest, the discussion on economic issues was no doubt become part of the .debate. .</ P> <P> the chorus of Republican crusade against Hillary was that they wanted the public to understand the threat of recession in the economy, they are really supporting tax cuts. .</ P> <P> high-level New York State Republican Party selected former Tennessee Senator Dai Matuo Thompson quit the presidential election after the party primaries, McCain supported position, so that another candidate overshadowed the former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, .The poll released 21 also shows McCain's support in New York State than their own side - former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. .</ P> <P> McCain, 22, a hotel in Midtown Manhattan fund-raising dinner held before the joint press conference with the Dai Matuo announced the decision. .With Dai Matuo's behind, McCain is bound to go down to the momentum gained in New York State, Dai Matuo also praised McCain is a "national treasure, a true hero." .</ P> <P> Dai Matuo with Giuliani since 1994, supported by the different candidates for governor of New York, subtle changes in the relations between the two, Giuliani was supporting the Democratic Party's old MO and Dai Matuo the support .School Taki. .</ P> <P> New York will be held February 5 "Super Tuesday", with more than twenty other states with primaries held. .Both presidential candidates when the competitive situation will gradually become clear. .</ P>.

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