Monday, December 27, 2010

The nation's largest commercial mortgage companies are facing bankruptcy.

<P>: Http://finance. News, the largest U.S. mortgage companies nationwide commercial finance company, the stock plunged 13% 15, the highest since 1987, the biggest single-day decline. .Analysts pointed out that with the spread of the subprime mortgage market crisis, the company may face bankruptcy risk. .</ P> <P> Merrill Lynch analyst Kenneth Bruce said the report released the same day, if the financial pressure the company to further accumulation or loss of market confidence in the company's operational capability, the company may be forced to liquidate assets, or even bankruptcy. .14 National Financial, the company said in July the amount of housing non-performing loans rose to its highest level since 2002. .Then Merrill Lynch cut its rating from "buy" reduced to "sell." .New York Stock Exchange closed at 15, the national financial company's share price closed at $ 21.29, down $ 3.17 per share. .This year, its stock price has shrunk by 50% of the company's value fell to 123 billion U.S. dollars. .>>> U.S. subprime mortgage market in the end how the </ P> <P> addition, the U.S. National Association of Realtors released data show that, although the second quarter median price of single-family homes over the previous year .fell 1.5%, the fourth consecutive quarter of decline, but the second quarter, sales of existing homes fell last year compared with nearly 11%, the lowest in 16 years. .Housing inventory in many markets has been to 8-month supply of new home builders suffer huge losses. .>>> U.S. subprime mortgage crisis on China's influence </ P> <P> affected by the subprime mortgage crisis, mortgage market crisis, leading to financial crunch, many potential buyers can not apply for a loan. .The delinquency rate rose to an increase in foreclosure, many vacant houses enter the market. .</ P>.

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