Thursday, December 30, 2010

"Belle Governor" Sarah · Perrin were slain and sex scandal

It was 44 years of Alaska Governor Sarah Belle · Perrin recently been United States Republican presidential candidates McCain pick as his campaign and his Deputy, an alleged is her beauty during the "naked pictures" but on the Internet madness. Add the three negative message, cannot help but to Perrin ran for Vice-President way overshadow.

The Internet discovered "nude"

"Governor" naked beautiful women

Stephanie was 44 years of Sara · Perrin is the Governor of Alaska, in the early years had beauty is "beauty contest" Miss Alaska, paragraph 2, by the media as "the coldest, most hottest Governor". Recently have just been United States Republican presidential candidates McCain pick as his Deputy campaign.

However it is alarming that in Sarah · Perrin for Republican vice presidential candidate nomination after a few hours, a purportedly Sarah teen to participate in the beauty of "naked pictures" in Internet madness. In this photo black and white photos, hair shawl by Sarah teen looks almost naked, only from the shoulders down under a white sash over private part. Because of all the Internet users competing access download, once or even paralysis, "the site".

It is reported that there are already hundreds of United States political websites and blogs reproduces this Sarah's "nude", claiming that it "true". At the same time, a Miss Sarah "Alaska" beauty bikini photos and when a photo wearing mini-skirt of xiangyan also with exposure. However, the evening of 30 August, Perrin campaign camp spokesman issued a solemn statement, claiming that Internet distribution of these so-called "nude" was forged. The spokesman said: "there is no doubt that these photos are absolutely false, its purpose is to give the political profile of Perrin. ”

In children is a daughter born?

A young man who had smoked venom

More surprising is that the United States a leading left-wing blog "The DailyKos" claimed that Sarah · Perrin's fifth son, not that it is her son, her teenage daughter born!, Perrin's fifth son was born in April this year, he has not yet been born was diagnosed as suffering from down's syndrome, but Perrin still hold to this day the poor boy was born. Republican campaign table view, the fact that attract media attention is very important to promote its firm opposition to abortion stance.

However claimed but that was 44 years of Sara are less likely to have children, the elder son in fact is her teenage daughter born to unmarried, Sarah doing just to "false". But others claimed to the disclosure, Sarah young had cannabis disgraceful history. It has been suggested that this may be caused Sarah son is suffering from a congenital disease "root causes".

And "blue collar" amour

To the husband wearing "Green Hat"?

More sources said that Sarah had during his tenure as Governor of Alaska, without telling her husband Todd, and a "Eskimo blue-collar workers" in her bedroom out there, two of them had at least four different occasions had sexual relations. In Alaska, a more familiar sex scandal is that Sarah was a young snow motorcycle athletes with a child, even the latter also openly admitted that he is the father of the "illegitimate". However, Sarah has insisted that the boy's father is her husband Todd.

However analysts noted that the "hearsay" or just misinformation or competitors to malicious attacks. Because Perrin's husband Todd · Perrin "happened" and Alaska Native Eskimos descent, but also as a "blue collar" workers, he worked for British Petroleum for 20 years, the yearly salary only last year to nearly $ 4.68. In addition, he "just happened" is the world's longest mechanical snow car game third winner. Rumoured Sarah "lover" mostly refers to her husband, but wielded fine field.

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