Thursday, December 30, 2010

The largest U.S. savings bank panic is also continuing to find buyers.

Wall Street panic, and not because the Fed assistance to AIG and has greatly improved, 17, heard that the largest U.S. savings bank Washington Mutual Bank because of crisis has begun to find a buyer. .Expected to seek U.S. regulatory authorities have recently been a number of financial institutions, Washington Mutual Bank is interested in acquisitions, but has not started the negotiations. .<P Style=MARGIN: 0px> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> According to The New York Times online edition, 17 reported that federal regulators have recently asked whether the number of banks will consider the acquisition of Washington Mutual Bank. .</ P> <P> news that the Federal banking regulators recently consulted the United States, Wells Fargo, JPMorgan Chase, HSBC and other financial institutions in a number of views, as a measure of the bank is interested in acquisitions. .</ P> <P> sources said the recent U.S. banking regulators called a Wells Fargo Bank, JP Morgan, HSBC and other financial institutions to understand their interest in the acquisition of Washington Mutual Bank. .Washington Mutual is the largest savings bank. .The bank suffered heavy losses as housing loans is expected in the next two to two and a half years of bad loans as high as 190 billion dollars. .The bank has also been the three major rating agencies downgraded significantly. .Last week, Fitch put Washington Mutual Bank's long-term credit rating downgraded from BBB to BBB-, Moody's will also be long-term deposits of Washington Mutual Bank reduced level from Baa2 to Baa3. .</ P> <P> In addition, Moody's will be Washington Mutual Bank senior unsecured debt rating from Baa3 to downgrade to Ba2, the rating means Washington Mutual Bank has been lower than "investment" level. .In the latest S & P rating, the Washington Mutual bank bonds have been downgraded to junk credit rating level. .Multiple consecutive quarterly loss, Washington Mutual Bank in the downgrade, the stock has the lowest level in 17 years. .</ P> <P> wrote former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said earlier, the credit crisis could lead more banks and financial institutions closed down, there will be a number of institutions will be forced to the brink of bankruptcy need the government stepped in to bail. .Greenspan Kazamaki this global subprime crisis described as "once", and the reason why the crisis situation is so strong, simply because people fear of large financial institutions bankrupt. .</ P> <P> Although the immediate crisis facing the U.S. banking industry is not the 20th century to the late 80's early 90's when the serious, and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke also promise to "within the next few months will tend to ease inflationary pressures," .But analysts said the crisis in some of the speed the spread of small and medium banks is quite amazing. .8 now defunct banks tip of the iceberg, the nation's 7,500 banks, about 150 small and medium may be in the next 12 to 18 months in bankruptcy, and other lending institutions may be closing branches or seek mergers. .</ P>.

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