Thursday, December 30, 2010

Car loan crunch hit the U.S. economy will again impact on car sales.

The impact of high oil prices had been frozen buying the U.S. auto market, sales are not easy because of lending more difficult. .<P> Car loan lending industry tightening, supporting the auto industry will lose strength along with reduced growth, and is considered the most important economic drivers of the U.S. auto industry once the recession, the impact on the U.S. economy greatly. .</ P> <P> (http://finance.) Chase, Capital One and GMAC and other auto lenders found more and more difficult to raise funds to lend, but also increasingly to the higher cost. .The industry also suffered due to the loss of borrower defaults and the scaling back of the establishment of the new loans, profit outlook is more bleak. .According to Moodys Web site, the car loan lending industry in the first quarter deficit of 3.4%, compared to three in 2002 into a much higher degree of loss. .</ P> <P> large U.S. auto lender AmeriCredit, said the car loan payment scheduled for this year amount to 30 billion U.S. dollars, but compared to last year's 9.2 billion was significantly diminished, which means that as many as 34 million vehicles this year, not .access to credit. .Market research company JDPower & Associated pointed out that car sales this year estimated at 15 million, less than last year's 16.2 million, a record low of 1995 to record. .</ P> <P> While car dealers resorted to a number of profitable benefits to stimulate new car buying, but I am afraid will continue to face several months of profit-dark period. .According to market research firm Autodata vehicle information, luxury vehicles sales fell 13% over last year. .Consumers may face loan interest rate increase and $ 4 per gallon of gasoline rose to the pressure of being dispelled plan to purchase. .</ P> <P> is worth noting that the sharp price decline in some areas also will be car sales tumbled. .Mainly due to the property market boom over the past to create thousands of jobs, consumer confidence and buoyant demand for trucks is also quite strong, but now they contribute to favorable conditions for automobile sales have ceased to exist. .</ P>.

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