Monday, December 27, 2010

The United States seems to have failed rescue mission.

<P> Bush announced the 145 billion U.S. dollars last week's package of tax cuts and spending measures to rescue program originally was to give the world's largest economy into some very much needed confidence. .The announcement of the investors and consumers in the United States to emerge elsewhere in the world (which relies heavily on the United States as an export market) will follow on my feet. .</ P> <P>: http://finance. Reality has a world of difference. .Global stock markets yesterday (21) crash, but not the backing of the plan under the rose. .China, Japan, India, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Australia and the Philippines stock market has dropped. .Meanwhile, the European exchanges in recent years recorded some of the most deadliest single-day loss. .U.S. market is most likely to survive the massacre, just as they closed due to public holidays. .On Friday (Jan. 18), after their reaction to the president announced plans to display them no better than their counterparts in Asia or Europe, more enthusiasm. .</ P> <P> some investors complain that Washington's plan came too late, the strength is too small, and the irreversible decline of the United States. .It was still a huge debt of Wall Street banks to write down sad and worried about the engine of the global currency markets came even more bad news. .In any case, the market's response to Bush's economic rescue plan does not meet the architect's intent. .</ P> <P> we should be careful not to over indulge in a single day's trading. .Such as the Federal Reserve cut interest rates later this month slightly, the stock market may be as again, most people expect a rebound. .However, recent economic development, it envisaged a wider range of conclusions may be more appropriate. .International economy (India and China are notable exceptions) are always likely to slow growth in 2008 into the period. .But the credit crunch (and associated issues, such as the collapse of Northern Rock in the UK) have been combined and the general slowdown, vicious combat consumer confidence. .Therefore, prolonged downturn and the risk of a considerable degree of depth. .This fear may explain the recent weeks and months the volatility of global stock markets. .</ P> <P> the root of this crisis is obvious. .After the turn of the millennium, the credit for too long in too cheap. .This creates bubbles in asset markets, especially in the housing market. .Now the bubble has burst, the public spending cuts. .Now the big question is the central bank to cut interest rates and government intervention can make our economy more soft landing, or whether the situation is out of control. .</ P>.

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