Thursday, December 30, 2010

United States Senate to approve formally appointed as the new Treasury Secretary Paulson

United States Senate approved on 28 June · Henry Paulson as United States new Minister of finance.

Previously, Senate Finance Committee on United States President George w. Bush nominated Paulson took over the Finance Ministers held a public hearing, the duties and to approve this nomination.

Paulson on June 27, 2008 hearing indicated that if his appointment is approved, he will focus on how to maintain and improve the competitiveness of the United States in the world. When talking about how to reduce the United States Government's substantial fiscal deficit, he thinks it is necessary to reduce the budget deficit, but opposed by raising taxes to achieve the objective of reducing the deficit.

May 30, Bush's nomination of United States major financial companies Goldman Sachs Company Chairman Mr Paulson's successor announced his resignation on the same day John · Snow served as Minister of finance. According to relevant laws, the nomination must be approved by the United States Senate.

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