Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wang wildfires burning potential U.S. mortgage gifted class also were caught.

<P> U.S. wildfires have been by the subprime mortgage jumped to the quasi-optimal level of high mortgage (Alt-A mortgages). .Unable to pay the debt by market rumors that Bear Stearns, on Monday re-issued by Moody's cut its standard mortgage-backed securities rating of superior grade, Lehman Brothers also announced job cuts of 5% human. .In the successive negative impact, resulting in two major Wall Street mortgage-backed securities industry and related shares both fell on Monday. .</ P> <P> "Business Times" reported that the rain leaking bad enough Bear Stearns, facing bankruptcy rumors flying around, leading to further share price crashed on Monday fell to the ground, tumbled 11%. .To avoid worsening the situation, Schwartz CEO after the close of emergency clarified, stressing that the claim baseless and said, "Bear Stearns's financial, liquidity and capital remain strong." .Lehman shares have also bad because of layoffs, but fell 7.3 </ P> <P> However, "The Wall Street Journal" noted that mortgage defaults by subprime mortgage rising from the original to the quasi-optimal level, let this wave of mortgage .storm intensified. .Moody's Investors Service on Monday downgraded Bear Stearns issued a total of one hundred sixty-three from fifteen approved transaction (tranches) of the quasi-optimal level of mortgage backed securities. .</ P> <P> generally excellent level of mortgage applications for registration of people, credit is better than the sub-prime customers, but due to lack of income or assets, and other documents the reasons and therefore can not apply to the gifted class by the mortgage. .</ P> <P> the Bear Stearns mortgage securities have been downgraded its release time from 2005 to 2007. .Seven of which were approved securities were downgraded as a drop in the future may have been waiting to see the list again, as the other one hundred fifty-five the first batch are listed in the list of possible downgrade. .</ P> <P> Moody's said in a statement, "Overall, ratings were downgraded based on default rates, foreclosure rates higher than expected." .Although the rating agencies did not provide the amount of bonds was downgraded why, but according to Inside Mortgage Finance estimates that Bear Stearns in 2006 and 2007, 57.8 billion were issued quasi-excellent grade mortgage backed securities. .</ P> <P> Fitch rating agency has also warned on Thursday the completion of all review in late April, will be cut up to 1,600 billion U.S. dollars of potential superior grade mortgage backed securities. .</ P> <P> Standard & Poor's pointed out at the end of last month, 2005,2006 and 2007 were issued in the quasi-excellent grade mortgage-backed securities, in January of this year ending the last six months, the default rate climbed to 10.97 each .%, 14.48% and 8.96%. .</ P>.

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