Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Fed statement: inflation will remain for a long time to maintain a low level

Åœ — äº¬æ — ¶é — ' 13 August morning news, according to foreign media reports, during the two-day policy meeting after the closing of the United States Federal open market Committee (hereinafter referred to as "the FOMC") today released the interest rate policy statement, the statement reads as follows:

Since FOMC6 month Policy Conference on the information received shows that economic activity is stabilizing. In recent weeks, the financial market situation has been further improved. Domestic spending continued to show signs of stabilization, but decrease in jobs, latency in personal income growth, decline in housing values and the tightening of credit conditions are still restricted to family expenses. The company continues to reduce fixed investment and reduction of employees, but in better adjust inventory levels and sales side is in progress.

Although the economic activity is likely to be in a weak position, but maintaining the FOMC still expected policy activities will serve to stabilize the financial markets and financial institutions, financial and monetary stimulation measures as well as market forces will contribute to the economy in the context of the stability of prices gradually returning to sustainable growth.

Recently, energy and other commodity prices have been rising. However, significant resource adequacy will probably cost pressure, so the buffer FOMC projected inflation still will be a while maintaining a very low level.

In such circumstances, the Fed will use all available tools to promote economic recovery and the maintenance of price stability. FOMC will the Fed funds rate 0 to 0.25% target range unchanged and continue to expect economic conditions are likely to make the FOMC has grounds for a longer period of time will the federal funds rate remained at a very low level. As the Fed announced plans previously mentioned, in order to mortgage market and housing market to provide support, as well as to improve the overall private credit markets, the Fed will acquire before the end of the total amount of up to 1.25 trillion agency mortgage-backed securities, and up to $ 200 billion of debt. In addition, the Fed also is in the acquisition process of 3000 billion debt.

In order to promote market in bonds acquisition activity completes implementation of a smooth transition, the FOMC has decided to gradually slow down the pace of these transactions, and is expected to be completed by the end of October all amounts of national debt deal. FOMC will continue to focus on economic prospects and financial market conditions on the basis of progress on bonds acquisition activity schedules and an assessment of the total amount. The Fed is currently monitoring its balance sheet size and composition, and in accordance with previous commitments on their credit and liquidity planning.

FOMC meeting policy development meeting voting members: the Chairman Ben Bernanke this · (Ben S. Bernanke), Vice Chairman William · Dudley (William C. Dudley), Elizabeth · Duke (Elizabeth A. Duke), Charles · Evans (Charles L. Evans), Donald · Cohen (Donald L. Kohn), Jeffrey · lackell (Jeffrey M. Lacker), Dennis · Lockhart (Dennis P. Lockhart), Daniel tarullo · (Daniel K. Tarullo), Kevin · Val Xu (Kevin M. Warsh) and Janet · Jelen (Janet L. Yellen). (Tangfeng)

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