Thursday, December 23, 2010

New York Chinese optimistic about Hillary Clinton into the campaign the burden of sorrow.

New York State presidential primary <P> will be held on February 5, voter registration deadline is January 11. .Nearly 100 Chinese voters in the day, "take the last train", to the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association through the registration formalities, many of them Hillary supporters. .Chinese hope Hillary will lead the U.S. out of the shadow of the Iraq war, the resources into the welfare of Americans. .</ P> <P align=center> hundred Chinese voter registration for the presidential election last train ride </ P> <P>: http://finance. To work in garment factories in Chinatown and the seven sisters that Liao Huizhen 11 .is the last day of voter registration, specifically the afternoon off work, came together through the registration formalities CCBA. .They said he was the first to register as voters, we believe that Hillary will fight for the rights of immigrants, so the sisters are a die-hard Clinton supporters, registered as a voter is to vote on Feb. 5 in support of Hillary Clinton become the United States .President. .</ P> <P> on February 5 in the Super Tuesday, including New York, New Jersey, California, while in 22 key states to vote, Chinese American Voters League Li Ruisheng general counsel, said Hillary should win in New York State .No suspense. .</ P> <P align=center> generally optimistic about the Chinese in New York Hillary Clinton </ P> <P> U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton began running for president, New York, this generally optimistic about the Chinese. .Chinese hope Hillary will lead the U.S. out of the shadow of the Iraq war, the resources into the welfare of Americans, and also hope that she can balance the various relationships, planning for a fair, and sensible immigration policy. .</ P> <P> and Hillary had many political cooperation between the Chinese star in New York City Councilman John Liu said that Hillary is a strong, excellent conditions for candidates who care for ethnic minorities has always been a plus .. .Members of the years of his tenure, the two construction workers had to assist, including Shen Jianguo, take away and caused the death of ethnic Chinese Lang Chen Fahua other family members to the United States and several co-operation. .John Liu did not directly pledged full support to the "comrades", but he stressed that, if Hillary is elected president, the minority ethnic community nothing but good. .</ P> <P> and Hillary are old acquaintances, 8 years ago, Senator Hillary Clinton campaign is his campaign team had a new volunteer Ellen Young is a Colorado Congressman fully support her run for president. .Ellen Young said that Hillary Clinton is an outstanding addition to women, both in international relations, U.S. domestic policy or regional issues, her familiar than the other candidates. .Ellen Young also believes that Hillary will not make harm to the political future of the minority decision, "she is a Yanxinggeyi politician." .</ P> <P> was the first Asian New York State Democratic Party Executive Director Chung-Ching Szeto term to help Hillary Clinton win the U.S. Senate, she admitted: "For Hillary, I will help in the end." "Chinese-American Planning .will "Mao Shuqing Liu, founder of the nation every year in Congress, Democratic Party, she said, hoping to reverse the Clinton policy on Iraq. .At the same time, she praised the outstanding performance in all aspects of Hillary Clinton, and with many politicians of different, and she well aware of the ethnic variety of topics Asian community, each with her dialogue, do not need more explanation, people admire. .But whether it will support Hillary, Liu Mao Shuqing, said: "We can not make this decision yet." </ P> <P> "Yaping will be" Director of Quyuan Yi pointed out that a few years to deal with the Clinton office on .she was very impressed, asked about what is expected of Hillary, Quyuan Yi said that immigration policy is most concerned about community issues, will also have to think about Hillary. .</ P> <P> Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association President Eric Ng, worry that Clinton's history will become a burden Hillary Clinton rumored several times, the outside has been passed on her "bite the bullet" is nothing more than for the presidential election, she comes from .Arkansas, New York, why should airborne, it is easy to give that "political ambition." .But he admitted that Hillary is the people of high competence, as to whether elected, will still depend on the overall situation. .</ P>.

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