Thursday, December 30, 2010

The White House has a "move"? Paulson introduced the new deputy, a strong focus.

<P>: Http://finance. Hearing, former U.S. Vice Minister of Commerce, U.S. exports to China in policy adjustment </ P> <P> to the second round of the Sino-US strategic economic dialogue has just ended, a .bit has been involved in exports to China policy adjustment White House officials, was nominated to the U.S. Treasury for International Affairs, the post of Deputy Minister. .As the position will involve the RMB exchange rate and other China-related affairs, the new appointment is quite notable. .The White House on May 31 nominated Vice President National Security Council Advisor David McCormick (David McCormick) as the above-mentioned duties. .McCormick, starting out from his current position last August, as the president's national security adviser Stephen Hadley, the deputy responsible for economic affairs. .June 2005 until he joined the Bush administration, when the Commerce Department as deputy director of high-tech exports. .Previously, McCormick has worked for two software companies in California. .</ P> <P> aware of the importance of the Chinese economy </ P> <P> McCormick graduated from West Point, there was military service experience, participated in the Gulf War. .He also has a Princeton Ph.D. in international relations. .In the United States Department of Commerce in the short term, McCormick completed a re-export control policy toward China assessment. .The new policy options to relax the procedures for some exporters, the approval of exports to China, but also increased the restrictions on exports of 47 products. .The adjustment program has been carried out public consultation, but has not yet been finalized. .According to sources familiar with the matter, the U.S. Department of Commerce export control policy toward China was originally to assess due to the pressure by the conservative forces. .Conservatives tried to use the "9.11" after the American people on national security concerns, to strengthen the control of export products for China. .Therefore, the Ministry of Commerce program initially focus on strengthening the restrictions on the product, and their experience with high-tech companies McCormick, made after taking office, to relax some of the approval process. .McCormick, who worked with former U.S. assistant secretary of commerce 彼得李奇滕 Castle (Peter Lichtenbaum) on the "First Financial Daily" said McCormick, the support for China to adjust export controls, "for growth in the .the uncertainty caused by the Chinese military on U.S. national security concerns, he was sensitive, but he also attaches importance to China in economic importance. "McCormick, the appointment of the new post, a major impact on the global economy. .United States to other countries, fiscal policy, finance, and the United States and the world banker, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other international economic organizations of the relationship, both in the context of their responsibilities. .Previously heard of Wall Street Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson intends to recruit only took up the post of dry, JP Morgan senior Jim Ryan (Jim Ryan) is the favorite candidate, but Ryan finally refused the invitation. .</ P> <P> the White House a political "pawn"? .</ P> <P> McCormick, a former Adams announced his resignation in February of this year, resigned in April. .Adams twice in the Bush presidential campaign as the key players are, is considered to be a politically significant officials. .Paulson as Treasury Secretary in the former, Adams is a positive pressure within the U.S. Treasury, requiring adjustment of the RMB exchange rate one of the senior officials, he also asked the World Bank and the IMF on this issue to play a more important and more active role. .However, his views and Paulson are not coordinated. .White House spokesman in the evaluation of McCormick, the president praised him for the coordination of economic policy has done an excellent job. ."He is a very outstanding strategic thinker, with an unusual organizational skills, is a frank, honest man." He said McCormick, the sub-adviser as the role of people outside the government .not so dramatic, but "government people know him. In this field, without him, what can be accomplished." .Li Qiteng Fort said McCormick, the very ability to be a very good rating in Washington. .He said McCormick, adding one of the reasons the Treasury Henry Paulson on China wants to strengthen his team. .As to whether the appointment of the relevant export control policy toward China, Li Qiteng Fort said that it is difficult to judge. .While another has also been serving in the Bush administration's former trade official said that part of the Ministry of Finance's China policy has been in China by the Paulson-led adviser holme, McCormick, can this impact may be very .limited. .He said the appointment reflected the Bush administration can only say that the current distress reality: As more and more people resign away, in the international economic field, qualifications and ability to outstanding senior officials have nothing left, and Sean .McCormick considered one of the few one. .Despite his financial and capital markets experience is limited, but already is able to find one of the outstanding talents. .Carnegie Foundation expert on the Chinese economy is concerned Keidel, as McCormick Adams, former officials are very strong political overtones, is the White House, the Ministry of Finance to supervise the "pawn" and therefore, the White House on wheat .Bureau of grams of the appointment of Paulson is likely not the idea, but also because of political considerations. .</ P>.

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