Thursday, December 30, 2010

U.S. economic outlook for corporate profits look bad call prices decline.

U.S. National Association of Business Economics (NABE) 21 latest survey results released Monday showed that 55% of the respondents in the second half this year, economists predict the U.S. economy will not grow or grew only 1%, of which 10% or even think there is negative growth. .And another to reveal the future direction of U.S. economic indicators showed further decline in economic activity in June. .<P Align=center> economic downturn of inflation heating up </ P> <P> (http://finance.) United States economy is facing rising raw material prices, the subprime mortgage crisis, credit crunch crisis and the multiple attack. .According to the NABE survey of U.S. business owners showed that intend to hike prices next quarter of respondents were more than interested in price nearly tripled, while only 9% of respondents said they would recruit more staff in the second half of this year, .This ratio is the lowest in five years. .</ P> <P> NABE economists in charge of the investigation, said Simon Johnson, economists are more cautious assessment of the economic situation in the second half, most of them will show the expected weak outlook, but not desperate, he predicted the United States this year .half of economic growth will be negligible. .32% of surveyed economists forecast U.S. economic growth in the second half of this year between 1% and 2%. .</ P> <P> Earlier this year, many people expected the U.S. economy this year, half of the winter, but it is expected the economy to be strong in the second half. .However, the 168 million U.S. government program of economic revitalization measures in the issuance of tax rebate checks as early as expected from the gain on the outside, which may cause economic growth in the U.S. in the second half turn weakness. .Simon Johnson pointed out that many people have given up the idea of the U.S. economy will recover. .</ P> <P> U.S. economic growth a large shrinkage in the fourth quarter, the first quarter of this year to continue to trap mud, to the second quarter as tax rebate checks issued by the Government of factors supporting this growth rate is expected a slight improvement, but some experts .concerned less with its support for the tax rebate, the U.S. economy will no longer afraid to hit the fourth quarter of this year. .</ P> <P align=center> leading index fell </ P> <P> In addition, Council 21, the U.S. economy published data also confirms that the enterprise economists worry that the leading index in June fell 0.1% to .101.7, and last week, economists surveyed by Dow Jones Newswires on average expected. .The private research institutions also made in May leading indicator downward revision from the original fell 0.1% to 0.2%. .</ P> <P> Economic Council economist Ken Goldstein said the U.S. economy is still no signs of improvement, a severe financial crisis and longer-than-expected downturn in the housing market depth, gasoline and food prices, weak consumer .who have confidence and the weak dollar of economic activity lasting pressure. .Goldstein said that in fact the second half of the U.S. economy is likely to continue to decline. .</ P>.

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