Thursday, December 30, 2010

Does the United States to attract global talent behind?.

<P Align=left> </ P> <P> other developed countries are aware of human capital on economic development of a country, are making great efforts to attract the world have intellectual disabilities. .However, there are intellectual people in the world has been the most desirable of the United States began to put obstacles to prevent skilled immigrants into the United States, tinted glasses and look at domestic migration. .</ P> <P> according to Pew Hispanic research Center's research, the United States in recent years, legal immigrants are often ─ ─ ─ ─ received a good education, the number dropped by almost one-third, significantly lower than the level of education .reduce the rate of illegal immigration. .American higher education institutions the number of foreign students enrolled there the first decline since the 50s. .In addition, the Congress (Congress) failed to increase H-1B visa quota to three times the legislation through this channel into the United States the number of skilled workers has also been a rapid decline. .The treatment of people in foreign countries are Chile's ambivalence is likely to deprive the United States universities and vitality of enterprises, and this is what the U.S. innovation system to promote continued development. .</ P> <P> the U.S. economy depend. .2000 U.S. Census data show that in science and engineering fields, about a quarter of a college-educated workers are foreign-born; PhD in engineering among the workers, up to 51% of the people are foreign born .The. .</ P> <P> contraction of overseas recruitment is not the time. .Asia for the most explosive growth of higher education in many developing countries have to bring a change in the international talent pool. .Training of engineers in China and India more than the sum of all the industrialized countries. .</ P> <P> In addition, the larger developing countries there are advantages to attract new skilled workers to, and attract them to stay in the country. .Today's world, technical trades in the increasing share of service industries, and the difference is that manufacturing jobs and service industry jobs are not capital-intensive skill-intensive jobs. .Improving education in developing countries, combined with outsourcing of jobs in service industries with lower capital cost characteristics, in terms of attracting international talent becomes increasingly obvious advantages of developing countries. .</ P> <P> developed countries or to allow the voters to accept more immigrants, or to have to watch white-collar job losses overseas. .For example, in 2001, the U.S. H-1B visas issued are rapidly decreased, from 195,000 the year were dropped to the current 65,000. .India's skilled workers ─ ─ H-1B visa holders among the highest proportion of immigrants ─ ─ means the United States more and more narrow, and was followed by outsourcing jobs to India the number is increasing. .In 1978, the United States, International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) was forced to close its India operations; but this year IBM donated the Indian operations than the number of employees hired any other non-US countries. .</ P> <P> decades, R & D is the strict control of transnational corporations in the "own country" in a business. .But even this is now changing. .The past decade, even if China's IPR protection is still not satisfactory, China's multinational R & D continued to show a geometric growth of number of centers. .Services can be improvement in the level of trade, more flexible contract terms, and from developing markets increasing cost pressures, which will encourage more companies to sign foreign contracts. .</ P> <P> in attracting skilled migrants in this respect, the United States and other developed countries, the company will face increasingly fierce competition between. .United States attracted a successful example of talent around the world are being emulated by other countries. .Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom immigration policy reform in order to better attract more skilled migrants. .Consider the security risk is, but progress in this regard the United States is far behind. .</ P> <P> then these highly skilled immigrants will threaten global security? .The most sought-after and most migrants have the ability to boost domestic institutional development of the people, "looting" the most talented people, especially small and poor countries to attract intellectual people in these countries may undermine the political and economic development, for .consider the worst that could allow these countries suffered a crushing defeat. .</ P> <P> for this it was proposed to provide financial assistance to these countries, to compensate for damage caused by the outflow of knowledge. .But while the money remitted back to their home more and more, this view has been misinterpreted but never three areas: </ P> <P> First of all, most of the remittances came from the less skilled workers. .Train family physicians and general manager is not needed money. .Second, the only money is not enough. .As foreign aid as a country's development can not be protected, from Haiti to Somalia, a large number of overseas workers remitted money, is not so developed. .Third, the exchange of money mostly for consumption back, although there is evidence that part of the funds used for education and small business development. .Because the system is imperfect (which are both reasons for brain drain is the result), the lack of extensive investment is not surprising. .</ P> <P>, however, do not force the rich to stop to accept immigrants is to improve the living standards of people in developing countries approach. .However, we can through relevant policies, so that immigration and country of birth more closely the links and contacts, as local political and economic development conducive to the development factors. .Short-term migrants to countries of emigration and immigration can bring the greatest benefits. .</ P> <P> critics point out that what is not really short-term migrants. .However, compared with non-skilled workers, skilled workers and less likely to illegally somewhere. .But the policy obstacles have prevented them out into, such as short-term Tanjia have to apply for a new visa after and so on. .</ P> <P> of skilled immigrants to be granted an extension with constraints, social security number is valid visa restrictions on short-term, together with other measures to encourage their return. .Pension benefits can be transferred, if they do not return, some pensions have classified their own country. .Bush (Bush) government had submitted a large-scale short-term visa program, carrots (home personal pension account when the amount of extract) and sticks (the visa is valid) simultaneously. .This is the right way. .</ P> <P> the help of professionals in foreign countries, the U.S. economy has become the world's most dynamic and most productive economy. .Foreign citizens in the United States is also the American values of time spent and the gradual transformation of social institutions is one important way. .Foreign students and workers to improve barriers to entry may be short-term political benefits, but long-term economic impact will be very negative. .</ P>.

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