Thursday, December 23, 2010

United States during the year of the tenth Bank closure Bank abound

U.S. regulators closed on August 29 banks located in Georgia, Integrity Bancshares Inc., Which became the 2008 U.S. tenth bank failure. .<P> (Http://finance.) The bankruptcy Integrity Bank, Georgia has 11 billion dollars in assets and $ 974,000,000 deposits. .The U.S. banking regulators - the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and the Georgia Bureau of Banking and Finance has taken over the insolvent bank. .</ P> <P> Alabama's largest bank - Regional Finance Corporation (Regions Financial Corp.) Will assume the Georgia bankruptcy all the deposits of Integrity Bank. .Has agreed to undertake a premium of 1% of all deposits of Integrity Bank and buy its approximately 34.4 million U.S. dollars in assets. .Georgia bankruptcy Integrity Bank will be on September 2 as the Alabama branch of regional financial companies to re-open for business. .FDIC estimates, Integrity Bancshares bankruptcy will make it the deposit insurance fund loss of 250 million to 350 million U.S. dollars. .</ P> <P> May of this year, Integrity Bank in Georgia by the U.S. federal regulators and state regulators ordered to propose a financing plan within sixty days. .In the real estate market collapse, the bank issued to developers of residential and commercial real estate loans by the impact, the bank had tried at least eight million U.S. dollars in financing, but ultimately failed to financing success. .</ P> <P> the property market since the U.S. economy, "Great Depression" has been the most tragic crash and credit crisis, the United States this year has been ten bank failures. .The other nine banks were bankrupt, Jan. 25 bankruptcy Douglas National Bank of Missouri, March 7 bankruptcy in Missouri Hume Bank, May 9 bankruptcy Arkansas bank ANB Financial National Association, May 30 .at the first Minnesota bankruptcy credit banks, 11 July bankrupt IndyMac Bank of California, and 25 declared bankruptcy in the two small banks - First National Bank of Nevada and First Heritage Bank of California, and August 1 .Japanese bankruptcy Florida First Priority Bank, and the bankruptcy last weekend Tuobei Ka Kansas City, Columbia Bank Trust Company. .</ P> <P> frequency of the current U.S. bank failures have been almost 14 years hit the most. .Financial institutions to publish the report shows that since 2007, asset write downs and credit losses total more than 5050 billion dollars. .</ P> <P> In addition, FDIC on August 26 to the outside world said that in the second quarter of this year, the United States "problem bank" list has increased by 30%, included in the watch list of "problem banks" has increased to 117 .. .As of June 30, included in the watch list of "problem banks" has been 90 by the first quarter surged to 117, the highest since mid-2003, the highest since. .But the FDIC watch list did not include any of a "problem banks" to roll call. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> FDIC main 席希拉贝尔 in Washington forecast a news conference, said: "With the continued deterioration of credit problems, I believe there will be more and more banks will be included in the .to the 'problem bank' list. "With the current bank assets, liquidity and the weakening of other financial metrics, regulators are monitoring the growing list of" problem banks "number. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> According to statistics, Integrity Bank in Georgia before the bankruptcy, FDIC since October 2000 has been closed since the 36 banks. .In 2002, 11 banks were closed, the year has thus become the bank since 2000, most of the year off. .Earlier, the U.S. government in early 1994 to the end of August had closed 12 banks. .</ P>.

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