Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hillary West Virginia bitter fight depression unlikely comeback win.

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate 13 West Virginia primary. .According to the U.S. Cable News Network (CNN) exit polls showed significant Clinton leading Obama. .Billing less than ten minutes, CNN had predicted Hillary to win West Virginia primary. .<P Style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> (http://finance.) Various polls have consistently shown that New York Senator Hillary Clinton will win a landslide victory. .However, because of Hillary's rival Barack Obama lagging behind many electoral votes, while West Virginia only twenty-eight electoral votes, it is West Virginia's comeback victory for Hillary look forward to much help, though, she is currently ."There is no reason to terminate" the primaries, but Insist on going, "let the voters decide." .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> American Research Group (ARG) 13 poll released Monday showed 66% support Clinton, 23% support Obama ., 6% have not yet decided to support the object. .Suo Fuke University poll released 12, 60% supported Clinton, 24% supported Obama, eight percent undecided. .</ P> <P> Rasmussen Reports poll released 7 days, 56% supported Clinton, 27% support Obama, 17% undecided. .</ P> <P> now Obama is almost certain to win the 2008 election the Democratic Party nomination. .Hillary Clinton, when faced with tremendous pressure, is still popular Kentucky Wang. .Kentucky's first selection in the May 20, Herald-Leader/WKYT poll showed Clinton in the state 31% to 58% ahead of Obama. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> victory over Hillary Clinton in two states Obama will almost certainly not alter the status quo to obtain the party nomination. .Barack Obama in the party's advantage is the number of Hillary difficult to change the facts. .</ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> </ P> <P style=MARGIN: 0px> According to Wikipedia statistics, cumulative electoral votes, Obama is currently 1874.5, from the 2025 short of the nomination threshold 150. .Hillary cumulative 1696, is still poor 328.5. .Democratic nominee is likely to be super Party decision. .</ P> <P> Having said that, but Obama losing ground in the two states might weaken its appeal to working class white voters, which in the November general election will be a problem. .Currently, the number of Hillary Clinton Party, won the number of primary states, voters are losing on support for Obama, but to a mere 6 games in the remaining primaries, not so easy to regain the situation. .</ P> <P> now, Obama has begun canvassing for the election of the warm-up, his team has launched a 50 state voter registration campaign, and McCain and Obama are sending voters for independence .continue our efforts. .Obama plans to West Virginia and Kentucky, after a brief stopover, that is important in the general election Tuesday that Missouri rally. .The state currently belongs to a neutral state, no obvious partisan. .</ P>.

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