Thursday, December 23, 2010

Speed up the market on Wall Street doubt the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates close attention to Greenspan tone.

<p style=text-indent: 2em> <p> </ p> <p style=text-indent: 2em> high oil prices, rising prices, the market nerves, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan this week, to be published soon .Several speeches will be the focus of the market, investors hope to read between the lines of his speech from U.S. Federal Reserve to determine whether to accelerate the pace of rate hikes. .</ P> <p> <p> </ p> <p style=text-indent: 2em> </ p> <p style=text-indent: 2em> multiple factors that make investors hesitant </ p> <p .style = text-indent: 2em> Last week, oil prices and rising consumer prices, the market has greatly increased concern about inflation. .The Dow and the Nasdaq fell by 0.37% and 0.31%. .The first quarter of this year, the Dow and S & P 500 index fell 2.6%, the Nasdaq tumbled 8.1% more. .</ P> <p style=text-indent: 2em> some analysts said the economic data released last week, the Fed may keep up 0.25 percentage points each plus the pace of interest rate increases to control inflation, and not .increase the magnitude of each rate hike. .Last month, the U.S. added fewer jobs than expected in half the number of manufacturing and service industries and the growth rate has slowed, the data for the Fed to reduce the market pressure to accelerate the pace of rate hikes. .</ P> <p style=text-indent: 2em> been since June 2004, the Federal Reserve 7 consecutive rate hikes, at present, the federal funds rate to 2.75%. .In the March 22 meeting on interest rates after the statement, the Fed expressed concern on rising prices. .Oppenheimer chief investment strategist Michael Metz said there are many factors interact, the market prospect is really difficult to judge. .Many investors are very nervous, what course they're indecisive. .</ P> <p style=text-indent: 2em> short-term speculation moods </ p> <p style=text-indent: 2em> performance of the company soon to be released this week, and little economic data, Wall Street will be the focus of attention .Greenspan placed on three public appearances. .In addition, record high oil prices cause for concern. .Since high oil prices may curb consumer spending, thereby affecting the profitability of the company, so oil prices will put pressure on most stocks. .Metz said that the current tensions in the stock market shows that short-term speculators have become the dominant force in the market, long-term investors are reluctant to enter the stock market, look at capital flows, we find that they have no funds in the stock market; and hedge funds ., short-term speculators and individual investors accounted for the market day by day. .</ P> <p style=text-indent: 2em> Some analysts believe that, in a troubled market, not the lack of news of a good thing. .The best result may be that investors adjust the capital stocks in different configurations, rather than liquidate out, so the market is estimated to go flat or declined slightly. .Since yesterday, the European electronic trading on the New York oil 58 dollars a barrel, investors will continue to last week's sell-off, withdraw the funds from the stock market or simply the relative safety of bonds in the bank. .</ P> <p style=text-indent: 2em> Greenspan tone of concern </ p> <p style=text-indent: 2em> energy derivatives trading giant, last week, Goldman Sachs issued a research report that .soaring crude oil market has entered a phase of 105 U.S. dollars a barrel oil prices could. .News, international oil prices soared in New York in May of oil in the Asian session trading yesterday, was hit a new high of $ 57.79. .</ P> <p style=text-indent: 2em> Greenspan's first appearance this week on the energy situation is just a speech. .On Tuesday, he will be via satellite at the American Petroleum and Refiners Association's International Petrochemical Conference on speech. .Investors will pay close attention to whether the record high oil prices will add to inflation worries Greenspan, thus suggesting further tightening of monetary policy. .</ P> <p style=text-indent: 2em> Wednesday, Greenspan will be on the Senate Banking Committee on government-backed enterprises, such as Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (freddiemac) of the Regulatory Reform published remarks. .Greenspan recently said the government-backed mortgage companies should be banned to prevent the U.S. financial system, "almost inevitable" problems. .Mortgage companies such as U.S. real estate market provide a very generous financing environment, there are economists even to blame the U.S. housing bubble to inflate the culprit. .Once they have been banned, the real estate market will cause a huge hit. .</ P> <p style=text-indent: 2em> to Friday, the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan in a meeting organized speech on consumer finance issues. .Raymond James Financial's chief investment strategist Jeffrey Sauter said the market is really trying to tell the rise of inflation, or whether it is already overheated economy under control, so Greenspan's tone ., oil prices and interest rate trends will be the focus of the market. .(Guo.

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