Thursday, December 23, 2010

Bush: us should learn Chinese rush to build nuclear power plant

20-United States President George w. Bush warned that the United States dependent on foreign oil imports, so that the United States became some of the United States may be a hostile country hostage "hostages". He urges the resumption of the construction of a nuclear power plant by 2010, thus expanding the use of alternative energy sources.

Bush 20 November in Wisconsin Milwaukee access said: "we are dependent on foreign oil countries, some of which are government instability, or with the United States are fundamentally different. These countries know that we need their oil, which reduced the impact of (our). When our energy is their captors as hostages, that make up a national security issue. "He didn't point out the names of these countries.

Bush proposes France, China and India, that France should be like the United States, China and India, the increased use of nuclear energy, while at the same time introducing a 11 billion plan to promote the construction of new nuclear power plant. United States since the 1970s have since then not building nuclear power plant.

Bush said: "we should start building nuclear power plants again. I think it is reasonable to do so. Technically we do, but also on the United States the people said: they are safe, and important. ”

Bush on January 31, delivered a speech to the Parliament, called for research on ethanol, solar energy, wind energy and nuclear energy, alternative energy, so that the United States by 2025 to reduce oil imports from the Middle East.

In addition, the United States Department of energy has invested $ 5 million, will Colorado Golden national renewable energy laboratory have been reductions of positions, to avoid Bush 21, access to the laboratories and sales increase in renewable energy research grant proposals due to embarrassment.

Bush's 2007 budget requested that the solar research funding increase of 78% of the biomass research funding increase 65%, to be in Colorado this laboratory of hydrogen research increase of 42%.

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