Thursday, December 23, 2010

U.S. agricultural subsidies questioned trade with China to provoke new disputes.

World Trade Organization (WTO) Web site on August 28 made public a letter from the U.S. government. .In the letter, the United States on China's agricultural products (such as pork and wheat) tariffs, subsidies and export rules issue, proposed a series of questions to the WTO. .US-China trade frictions had more concentrated in manufacturing and service industries, but this letter shows that the U.S. is trying to open up a new battleground in the agricultural sector. .<P Align=center> directed at farm subsidies </ P> <P> (http://finance.) United States Government in the letter the main point of attack, China's pig raising policy. .The letter said China's corporate income tax rate of 25%, but China seems to hog meat companies such as these do not have to pay income tax. .U.S. asked China to explain whether pork producers and processors, "in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery enterprises," and asked China to pork producers and processors announced in 2007 and 2008 the total income. .</ P> <P> the number of live pigs in China last year due to diseases, have fallen sharply, leading to market pork prices soared. .To this end, the Chinese government adopted a series of measures to encourage and promote the pig breeding and meat processing. .To the U.S. government accused the WTO of the letter, the Chinese current subsidy of 100 per sow feeding yuan, twice in the past subsidies, which previously has been China's hog subsidies of up to 886 million, the U.S. asked China to provide a new subsidy program .details and the total subsidy. .</ P> <P> In addition, the U.S. government once again in his letter, questioned the value added of agriculture in China: "China's farmers to produce wheat, cotton and corn and other agricultural commodities, seems exempt from this (13% .) the proliferation of tax. "import-related products must pay the 13% tax, which is related to exporters unfair. .</ P> <P align=center> transfer of the Doha Round negotiations contradictions </ P> <P> "The United States is the world's one of the largest agricultural subsidies, even to criticize China's agricultural subsidies." Sino-US Relations Research Center of Tsinghua University .Senior Fellow, Zhou heard about this first reaction is "very strange." .</ P> <P> aggressive accused the United States, to coincide with the Doha Round of WTO negotiations on agricultural subsidies because of dispute over the time. .Very sensitive timing. ., Zhou analysis, the proportion of agricultural subsidies in China is still far less than 8.5%. .U.S. cotton subsidies each year to only 40 billion U.S. dollars, instead of accusing China of less than 10 billion dollars in subsidies to pig, obviously an ulterior motive. ."This may be a strategy the United States. September will restart the Doha Round negotiations, the United States first in order to divert attention and contradictions." </ P> <P> more concerned that the U.S. is now a challenge for Chinese Agricultural Policy, that .trade friction between the two countries in the manufacturing and services may open a new front addition. .</ P> <P align=center> double standards in the United States asked China </ P> <P> senior fellow at the Carnegie Foundation, and Mr. Keidel said the U.S. move to reap its trade problems with China .the benefits on the root cause is still out in the United States of China as a "non-market economy." .</ P> <P> does not recognize China as a "market economy" in the anti-dumping issues, the U.S. can choose a third country products as a reference, easily related products in China anti-dumping sanctions. .But according to relevant rules, since the United States does not recognize China as a "market economy" and enjoy the benefits of anti-dumping issues, subsidies can not continue further on unwarranted charges against China. .</ P> <P> In fact, in this issue, the United States had also had the relevant case law, that China is "non-market economy", and therefore does not apply anti-subsidy provisions of Chinese products. .But with the intensification of Sino-US friction, the U.S. government began to abandon the ordinances of the past, on various issues raised on Chinese products while anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigations. .</ P> <P> Mr. Keidel believes that such a contradictory policy of the United States is wrong, "since China has already undertaken as a 'non-market economies,' the cost, the U.S. seems to violate the above actions .China as a 'non-market economies' their rights. "</ P> <P> He pointed out that the U.S. move completely out of domestic political considerations, intended" to please special interest groups, such as the impact of very large .agricultural lobbying organization. " .U.S. media that the U.S. move is obviously to expand U.S. agricultural exports to China service. .National Pork producers Council officials said, China has become an increasingly important market for pork exports. .</ P>.

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